1. You have accepted for yourself her wrongs,
And have not wearied of loving her flaws.
١. رَضيتَ لِنَفسِكَ سَوءاتِها
وَلَم تَألُ حُبّاً لِمَرضاتِها
2. You have made beautiful her ugliest deeds,
And made small her greatest mistakes.
٢. وَحَسَّنتَ أَقبَحَ أَعمالِها
وَصَغَّرتَ أَكبَرَ زَلّاتِها
3. How many paths of youthful folly,
Have you led them down with her fabrications.
٣. وَكَم مِن سَبيلِ لِأَهلِ الصِبا
سَلَكتَ بِهِم في بُنَيّاتِها
4. And which temptations, temptations of passion,
Have you overlooked for her harm.
٤. وَأَيُّ الدَواعي دَواعي الهَوى
تَطَلَّعتَ عَنها لِآفاتِها
5. And which taboos have you not violated,
And which disgraces have you not visited upon her.
٥. وَأَيُّ المَحارِمِ لَم تَنتَهِك
وَأَيُّ الفَضائِحِ لَم تاتِها
6. As if, verily, you hastened with your soul
To that, in one of her delusions.
٦. كَأَنّي بِنَفسِكَ قَد عوجِلَت
عَلى ذاكَ في بَعضِ غِرّاتِها
7. And her wailers stood up mourning,
Collapsing with the clamor of their voices.
٧. وَقامَت نَوادِبُها حُسَّراً
تَداعى بِرَنَّةِ أَصواتِها
8. Do you not see that the creeping of nights
Steals your soul in its hours.
٨. أَلَم تَرَ أَنَّ دَبيبَ اللَيالي
يُسارِقُ نَفسَكَ ساعاتِها
9. And this resurrection has verily drawn near,
To the two worlds in its appointed time.
٩. وَهَذي القِيامَةُ قَد أَشرَفَت
عَلى العالَمينَ لِميقاتِها
10. And it has come with its scales,
And its terrors, and its splendors.
١٠. وَقَد أَقبَلَت بِمَوازينِها
وَأَهوالِها وَبِرَوعاتِها
11. And we are in some of its conditions,
And its days, and its signs.
١١. وَإِنّا لَفي بَعضِ أَشراطِها
وَأَيّامِها وَعَلاماتِها
12. We have inclined toward the abode, the abode of delusion,
When it has captivated us with its pleasures.
١٢. رَكَنّا إِلى الدارِ دارِ الغُرو
رِ إِذ سَحَرَتنا بِلَذّاتِها
13. So we do not heed its wonders,
Nor the changes of its states.
١٣. فَما نَرعَوي لَأَعاجيبِها
وَلا لِتَصَرُّفِ حالاتِها
14. We vie in it while our days
Circle back to us with their harms.
١٤. نُنافِسُ فيها وَأَيّامُنا
تَرَدَّدُ فينا بِآفاتِها
15. Yet the living among them do not contemplate,
And take heed from the dead among them.
١٥. وَما يَتَفَكَّرُ أَحياؤُها
فَيَعتَبِرونَ بِأَمواتِها