
How long will greed provoke me,

حتى متى يستفزني الطمع

1. How long will greed provoke me,
Is there not enough room for contentment?

١. حَتّى مَتى يَستَفِزُّني الطَمَعُ
أَلَيسَ لي بِالكَفافِ مُتَّسَعُ

2. How excellent is patience and contentment for all people,
If only they were content.

٢. ما أَفضَلَ الصَبرَ وَالقَناعَةَ لِل
ناسِ جَميعاً لَو أَنَّهُم قَنِعوا

3. It has deceived the night and the day for people
Whom I see lost in illusion and grazing.

٣. وَأَخدَعَ اللَيلَ وَالنَهارَ لِأَق
وامٍ أَراهُم في الغَيِّ قَد رَتَعوا

4. As for death, it is not heedless,
It gives every living being a drink from its cup.

٤. أَمّا المَنايا فَغَيرُ غافِلَةٍ
لِكُلِّ حَيٍّ مِن كَأسِها جُرَعُ

5. What sensible person enjoys life,
While death is his resort and refuge?

٥. أَيُّ لَبيبٍ تَصفو الحَياةُ لَهُ
وَالمَوتُ وِردٌ لَهُ وَمُنتَجَعُ

6. People pass away, some following others,
So they are followers and followed.

٦. الخَلقُ يَمضي يَأُمُّ بَعضُهُمُ
بَعضاً فَهُم تابِعٌ وَمُتَّبَعُ

7. O soul, why do I see you feeling secure
Where there is panic and dread?

٧. يا نَفسُ ما لي أَراكِ آمِنَةً
حَيثُ تَكونُ الرَوعاتُ وَالفَزَعُ

8. What has happened to people in the course of their lives
Of events that occur?

٨. ما عُدَّ لِلناسِ في تَصَرُّفِ حا
لاتِهِم مِن حَوادِثٍ تَقَعُ

9. I have milked time by halves,
In them were vinegar and honey.

٩. لَقَد حَلَبتُ الزَمانَ أَشطُرَهُ
فَكانَ فيهِنَّ الصابُ وَالسَلَعُ

10. I care not for what joy has brought,
Nor do I fret over what grief has taken away.

١٠. ما لي بِما قَد أَتى بِهِ فَرَحٌ
وَلا عَلى ما وَلّى بِهِ جَزَعُ

11. Praise God, how the world has played
With people before me, see what they have done.

١١. لِلَّهِ دَرُّ الدُنيا لَقَد لَعِبَت
قَبلي بِقَومٍ فَما تُرى صَنَعوا

12. They perished and their appointed time overtook them,
What they had and the days and Fridays.

١٢. بادوا وَوَفَّتهُمُ الأَهِلَّةُ ما
كانَ لَهُم وَالأَيّامُ وَالجُمَعُ

13. They left wealth but did not take with them
To their graves anything they had gathered.

١٣. أَثرَوا فَلَم يُدخِلوا قُبورَهُمُ
شَيئاً مِنَ الثَروَةِ الَّتي جَمَعوا

14. What they sent ahead for themselves
Was of greater benefit than what they left behind.

١٤. وَكانَ ما قَدَّموا لِأَنفُسِهِم
أَعظَمَ نَفعاً مِنَ الَّذي وَدَعوا

15. Tomorrow the dead will be called to
The horror of a reckoning and be gathered for it.

١٥. غَداً يُنادى مَن في القُبورِ إِلى
هَولِ حِسابٍ عَلَيهِ يُجتَمَعُ

16. Tomorrow souls will be paid what they have earned
And the planters will reap what they have sown.

١٦. غَداً تُوَفّى النُفوسُ ما كَسَبَت
وَيَحصُدُ الزارِعونَ ما زَرَعوا

17. Blessed is God, see how
These passions and innovations have toyed with people.

١٧. تَبارَكَ اللَهُ كَيفَ قَد لَعِبَت
بِالناسِ هَذي الأَهواءُ وَالبِدَعُ

18. Love of the world scattered them in it,
And so they have become factions.

١٨. شَتَّتَ حُبُّ الدُنيا جَماعَتَهُم
فيها فَقَد أَصبَحوا وَهُم شِيَعُ