1. Good and evil are habits and desires
And friends may turn out to be foes
١. الخَيرُ وَالشَرُّ عاداتٌ وَأَهواءُ
وَقَد يَكونُ مِنَ الأَحبابِ أَعداءُ
2. Patience shows truth when angry
And the forbearing overlooks faults
٢. لِلحِلمِ شاهِدُ صِدقٍ حينَ ما غَضَبٌ
وَلِلحَليمِ عَنِ العَوراتِ إِغضاءُ
3. Each has their own pursuit and pursuits differ
Each soul has its own will in its quest
٣. كُلٌّ لَهُ سَعيُهُ وَالسَعيُ مُختَلِفٌ
وَكُلُّ نَفسٍ لَها في سَعيِها شاءُ
4. For every disease there is a cure with its doctor
Who doesn't know the cure won't know the illness
٤. لِكُلِّ داءٍ دَواءٌ عِندَ عالِمِهِ
مَن لَم يَكُن عالِماً لَم يَدرِ ما الداءُ
5. Thanks to God who fulfills what He wills and none
Can will against Him, creatures have no will
٥. الحَمدُ لِلَّهِ يَقضي ما يَشاءُ وَلا
يُقضى عَلَيهِ وَما لِلخَلقِ ما شاؤوا
6. Creation was made only to perish together
We perish and names and tales perish
٦. لَم يُخلَقِ الخَلقُ إِلّا لِلفَناءِ مَعاً
نَفنى وَتَفنى أَحاديثٌ وَأَسماءُ
7. Oh how distant are the dead from the living
Their time has come while people live on
٧. يا بُعدَ مَن ماتَ مِمَّن كانَ يُلطِفُهُ
قامَت قِيامَتُهُ وَالناسُ أَحياءُ
8. A friend deserts his brother at his death
All the deceased are deserted by friends
٨. يُقصي الخَليلُ أَخاهُ عِندَ ميتَتِهِ
وَكُلُّ مَن ماتَ أَقصَتهُ الأَخِلّاءُ
9. Don't cry for yourself in life over what
You fear, while crying over the dead
٩. لَم تَبكِ نَفسَكَ أَيّامَ الحَياةِ لِما
تَخشى وَأَنتَ عَلى الأَمواتِ بَكّاءُ
10. I seek forgiveness from God for my sins and excess
Though hidden I am a sinner
١٠. أَستَغفِرُ اللَهَ مِن ذَنبي وَمِن سَرَفي
إِنّي وَإِن كُنتُ مَستوراً لَخَطّاءُ
11. No urge makes me disobey though between me
And the light is darkness
١١. لَم تَقتَحِم بي دَواعي النَفسِ مَعصيةً
إِلّا وَبَيني وَبَينَ النورِ ظَلماءُ
12. How many hermits in the shadows of life
Are followed by an insistent demon
١٢. كَم راتِعٍ في ظِلالِ العَيشِ تَتبَعُهُ
مِنهُنَّ داهِيَةٌ تَرتَجُّ دَهياءُ
13. Events have their allotted hours
Bringing closeness or distance in turn
١٣. وَلِلحَوادِثِ ساعاتٌ مُصَرَفَةٌ
فيهِنَّ لِلحَينِ إِدناءٌ وَإِقصاءُ
14. All move between hardship and ease
And time makes them now yield, now resist
١٤. كُلٌّ يُنَقَّلُ في ضيقٍ وَفي سَعَةٍ
وَلِلزَمانِ بِهِ شَدٌّ وَإِرخاءُ
15. Thanks to God, all are hypocrites
Honesty no longer wets the tongue
١٥. الحَمدُ لِلَّهِ كُلٌّ ذو مُكاذَبَةٍ
صارَ التَصادُقُ لا يُسقى بِهِ الماءُ