
Have you not seen that days have impact?

ألم تر أن للأيام وقعا

1. Have you not seen that days have impact?
And that their impact is harsh and severe?

١. أَلَم تَرَ أَنَّ لِلأَيّامِ وَقعا
وَأَنَّ لِوَقعِها عَقراً وَجَدعا

2. And that when events come in succession
They pull strongly and fell mightily?

٢. وَأَنَّ الحادِثاتِ إِذا تَوالَت
جَذَبنَ بِقُوَّةٍ وَصَرَعنَ صَرعا

3. Do you not know, my dear friend,
That you were created for decline and diminishment?

٣. أَلَم تَعلَم بِأَنَّكَ يا أَخانا
طُبِعتَ عَلى البَلى وَالنَقصِ طَبعا

4. And that the strokes of time are continuous
And that everything it reached has an end?

٤. وَأَنَّ خُطا الزَمانِ مُواصِلاتٌ
وَأَنَّ لِكُلِّ ما واصَلنَ قَطعا

5. When time turns over, it humiliates the mighty
And originates new things and destroys multitudes

٥. إِذا اِنقَلَبَ الزَمانُ أَذَلَّ عِزّا
وَأَخلَقَ جِدَّةً وَأَبادَ جَمعا

6. I see you fending off days, day after day
Repelling calamity again and again

٦. أَراكَ تُدافِعُ الأَيّامَ يَوماً
فَيَوماً بِالمُنى دَفعاً فَدَفعا

7. My brother, when the two executioners show up
You see their hands reaping and sowing

٧. أُخَيَّ إِذا الجَديدانِ اِستَدارا
أَرَتكَ يَداهُما حَصداً وَزَرعا

8. When time butts with its horns
Its butting involves lowering and raising

٨. إِذا كَرَّ الزَمانُ بِناطِحَيهِ
فَإِنَّ لِكَرِّهِ خَفضاً وَرَفعا

9. You cannot accommodate the days’ grace
When you fall short of justice, even a span

٩. وَلَستَ الدَهرَ مُتَّسِعاً لِفَضلِ
إِذا ما ضِقتَ بِالإِنصافِ ذَرعا

10. If a person did not benefit you alive
He would have benefited you less if dead

١٠. إِذا ما المَرءُ لَم يَنفَعكَ حَيّاً
فَلَو قَد ماتَ كانَ أَقَلَّ نَفعا