
Who lives grows old, who grows old dies

من يعش يكبر ومن يكبر يمت

1. Who lives grows old, who grows old dies
And death cares not whence she applies

١. مَن يَعِش يَكبَر وَمَن يَكبَر يَمُت
وَالمَنايا لا تُبالي ما أَتَت

2. How many like us have trod this path
Of generations gone before!

٢. كَم وَكَم قَد دَرَجَت مِن قَبلِنا
مِن قُرونٍ وَقُرونٍ قَد مَضَت

3. Deluded soul, what youth is this?
Had you but turned from it, you'd desist

٣. أَيُّها المَغرورُ ما هَذا الصِبا
لَو نَهَيتَ النَفسَ عَنهُ لَاِنتَهَت

4. Forgetting death in your ignorance
You let your soul to it digress

٤. أَنَسيتَ المَوتَ جَهلاً وَالبِلى
فَسَلَت نَفسُكَ عَنهُ وَلَهَت

5. We're in an abode of woe and bane
Of misery, sorrow and pain

٥. نَحنُ في دارِ بَلاءٍ وَأَذىً
وَشَقاءٍ وَعَناءٍ وَعَنَت

6. Where man finds no lasting peace
Save fleetingly, should he find release

٦. مَنزِلٌ ما يَثبُتُ المَرءُ بِهِ
سالِماً إِلّا قَليلاً إِن ثَبَت

7. While man hustles through this life
In haste, his steps are light

٧. بَينَما الإِنسانُ في الدُنيا لَهُ
حَرَكاتٌ مُسرِعاتٌ إِذ خَفَت

8. But life keeps its tenants in decay
However they plead and pray

٨. أَبَتِ الدُنيا عَلى سُكّانِها
في البِلى وَالنَقصِ إِلّا ما أَتَت

9. Life is but a joy of brief span
However you try to cling to its caravan

٩. إِنَّما الدُنيا مَتاعُ بُلغَةٍ
كَيفَما زَجَّيتَ في الدُنيا زَجَت

10. God bless the man who is just to himself
When he speaks good or simply holds his peace

١٠. رَحِمَ اللَهُ امرَأً أَنصَفَ مِن
نَفسِهِ إِذ قالَ خَيراً أَو صَمَت