1. I say and God decrees whatever He decrees,
And I am content with the decree of God.
١. أقُولُ وَيَقضِي اللّهُ ما هوَ قاضِي،
وإنّي بتَقْديرِ الإلهِ لَرَاضِي
2. I see people passing away one after another,
Oh, would that I knew when I shall pass away.
٢. أرَى الخَلْقَ يَمضِي واحداً بعدَ واحدٍ،
فيَا ليْتَنِي أدْرِي متَى أنَا ماضِ
3. It will be as if I had never lived when my washer prepares me
And fits me into my shroud's white garb.
٣. كأنْ لَمْ أَكُنْ حَيّاً إذا احتَثَّ غاسِلِي
وَأحكَمَ دَرْجي في ثِيابِ بَيَاضِ