1. My eyes have brought me joy with tears,
As long as I live, may they make me happy with them.
١. أَسعِداني بِالدَمعِ يا عَينَيّا
أَسعِداني عَلَيهِ ما دُمتُ حَيّا
2. I who wept for my soul, am more deserving
Than those who will one day weep for me.
٢. أَنَ أَولى بِما بَكَيتُ عَلى نَف
سي مِنَ الباكِياتِ يَوماً عَلَيّا
3. A soul I had is now gone, while my eyes
Mourn my soul, appealing to me.
٣. نَفَسٌ لي قَدِ اِنقَضى ثُمَّ طَرفي
وَهُما يَنعَيانِ نَفسي إِلَيّا
4. My breathing and my tears almost
Leave me no strength remaining to move.
٤. يُشِكُ الطَرفُ وَالتَنَفُسُّ أَلّا
يَترُكا لي مِنَ التَحَرُّكِ شَيّا
5. And prudent it is, before my death,
To be executor of what I own.
٥. وَمِنَ الحَزمِ أَن أَكونَ لِنَفسي
قَبلَ مَوتي فيما مَلَكتُ وَصِيّا
6. How strange that my own soul's stinginess
Has made me slave to what my hands possess.
٦. عَجَباً ما عَجِبتُ مِن شُحِّ نَفسي
صَيَّرَتني مِلكاً لِمِلكِ يَدَيّا