
O people!

ألا يا أيها البشر

1. O people!
In death there is a lesson

١. أَلا يا أَيُّها البَشَرُ
لَكُم في المَوتِ مُعتَبَرُ

2. For an affair not built to last
Whatever you have elevated as great

٢. لِأَمرٍ ما بَني حَوّا
ءَ ما نُصِبَت لَكُم صَقَرُ

3. Is not death our destiny?
Then where is the fear and caution?

٣. أَلَيسَ المَوتُ غايَتَنا
فَأَينَ الخَوفُ وَالحَذَرُ

4. I saw death leaves
No one behind and spares none

٤. رَأَيتُ المَوتَ لا يُبقي
عَلى أَحَدٍ وَلا يَذَرُ

5. For the hastening succession of generations
As the sun and moon run their course

٥. لِحَثِّ تَقارُبِ الآجا
لِ تَجري الشَمسُ وَالقَمَرُ

6. God be glorified! What can days construct
And strangers demolish?

٦. تَعالى اللَهُ ماذا تَص
نَعُ الأَيّامُ وَالغِيَرُ

7. What remains for the youth
Neither small nor great?

٧. وَما يَبقى عَلى الحَدَثا
نِ لا صِغَرٌ وَلا كِبَرُ

8. And a funeral bier never stops
As a group walks with it

٨. وَما يَنفَكُّ نَعشُ جَنا
زَةٍ يَمشي بِهِ نَفَرُ

9. I saw the armies of the dead
So tears flooded my eyes

٩. رَأَيتُ عَساكِرَ المَوتى
فَهاجَ لِعَينِيَ العِبَرُ

10. They have no robes or shrouds
Where they are now, only clay and soil

١٠. مَحَلٌّ ما عَلَيهِم في
هِ أَردِيَةٌ وَلا حُجَرُ

11. Their house ceilings where they were
Are dust and ruins

١١. سُقوفُ بُيوتِهِم فيما
هُناكَ الطينُ وَالمَدَرُ

12. Perhaps they were absent after being around
And they had always been present

١٢. عُراةً رُبَّما غابوا
وَكانوا طالَما حَضَروا

13. Perhaps they had always set out
To pleasures and innovations

١٣. وَكانوا طالَما راحوا
إِلى اللَذّاتِ وَابتَكَروا

14. But the departure has taken them
To a journey, the greatest

١٤. فَقَد جَدَّ الرَحيلُ بِهِم
إِلى سَفَرٍ هُوَ السَفَرُ

15. And they have become like
Scattered rumors

١٥. وَقَد أَضحَوا بِمَنزِلَةٍ
يُرَجَّمُ دونَها الخَبَرُ

16. Long they lived and long they enjoyed
But their homes are now destroyed

١٦. وَكانوا طالَما أَشِروا
وَكانوا طالَما بَطِروا

17. No eye or trace left
Contemplate, O deceived one

١٧. وَقَد خَرِبَت مَنازِلُهُم
فَلا عَينٌ وَلا أَثَرُ

18. Before contemplation escapes you
For everything you esteemed

١٨. تَفَكَّر أَيُّها المَغرو
رُ قَبلَ تَفوتُكَ الفِكَرُ

19. Is insignificant in death
Be not deceived by the world

١٩. فَإِنَّ جَميعَ ما عَظَّم
تَ عِندَ المَوتِ مُحتَقَرُ

20. For all of it is a mirage
And say to those deluded by it

٢٠. وَلا تَغتَرَّ بِالدُنيا
فَإِنَّ جَميعَها غَرَرُ

21. Hold back! Do not rush!
For the farthest extent of ambition

٢١. وَقُل لِذَوي الغُرورِ بِها
رُوَيدَكُمُ أَلا انتَظِروا

22. Between us is the grave
Thus proceeds the days among us

٢٢. فَأَقصى غايَةِ الميعا
دِ فيما بَينَنا الحُفَرُ

23. Both sweet and bitter

٢٣. كَذاكَ تَصَرُّفُ الأَيّا
مِ فيها الصَفوُ وَالكَدَرُ