1. How strange is one with sight
Who feels safe from this world though he sees it
١. عَجَباً أَعجَبُ مِن ذي بَصَرٍ
يَأمَنُ الدُنيا وَقَد أَبصَرَها
2. Indeed, man has a day that fells him
One ought to beware it
٢. إِنَّ لِلإِنسانِ يَوماً صَرعَةً
يَنبَغي لِلمَرءِ أَن يَحذَرَها
3. How many generations came to us, now passed
And after them we forgot their gathering
٣. كَم قُرونٍ حَضَرَتنا قَد مَضَت
وَنَسينا بَعدَها مَحضَرَها
4. Forms that were people like us
Then He who shaped them made them perish
٤. صُوَرٌ كانَت أُناساً مِثلَنا
ثُمَّ أَفناها الَّذي صَوَّرَها
5. In God's cause we were not heedless
Yet we feel safe from the world and its betrayal
٥. في سَبيلِ اللَهِ ما أَغفَلَنا
نَأمَنُ الدُنيا وَما أَغدَرَها
6. The world is but a vanishing shadow
I praise God who ordained it thus
٦. إِنَّما الدُنيا كَظِلٍّ زائِلٍ
أَحمَدُ اللَهَ كَذا قَدَّرَها