
O death, O separation, O the present moment!

يا للمنايا ويا للبين والحين

1. O death, O separation, O the present moment!
Every gathering in this world leads to parting.

١. يا لِلمَنايا وَيا لِلبَينِ وَالحَينِ
كُلُّ اِجتِماعٍ مِنَ الدُنيا إِلى بَينِ

2. Time makes new tales fade after their joy,
And fate severs what is between the near ones.

٢. يُبلي الزَمانُ حَديثاً بَعدَ بَهجَتِهِ
وَالدَهرُ يَقطَعُ ما بَينَ القَريبَينِ

3. You have seen the hand of life dispersed,
Do not trust the hand of life over two.

٣. لَقَد رَأَيتَ يَدَ الدُنيا مُفَرَّقَةً
لا تَأمَنَنَّ يَدَ الدُنيا عَلى اِثنَينِ

4. Praise be to Allah, praise everlasting forever,
Those obsessed with greed are adorned with disgrace.

٤. الحَمدُ لِلَّهِ حَمداً دائِماً أَبَداً
لَقَد تَزَيَّنَ أَهلُ الحِرصِ بِالشينِ

5. There is no ornament but for one content with his humility,
Indeed, contentment is the garb of honor and beauty.

٥. لا زَينَ إِلّا لِراضٍ عَن تَقَلُّلِهِ
إِنَّ القُنوعَ لَثَوبُ العِزِّ وَالزَينِ

6. If you but knew, O carefree brother, of the abode before you
An abode in which is the delight of the eye.

٦. الدارُ لَو كُنتَ تَدري يا أَخا مَرَحٍ
دارٌ أَمامَكَ فيها قُرَّةُ العَينِ

7. How long do we count the days while in them,
When we are only between two days?

٧. حَتّى مَتى نَحنُ في الأَيّامِ نَحسُبُها
وَإِنَّما نَحنُ فيها بَينَ يَومَينِ

8. One day has passed and one day we hope for,
Perhaps it will bring the two closer to the present.

٨. يَومٌ تَوَلّى وَيَومٌ نَحنُ نَأمَلُهُ
لَعَلَّهُ أَجلَبُ اليَومَينِ لِلحَينِ