
Oh, what is with my lady, what ails her?

ألا ما لسيدتي ما لها

1. Oh, what is with my lady, what ails her?
She has become submissive, so I shall bear her submissiveness

١. أَلا ما لِسَيِّدَتي ما لَها
أَدَلّا فَأَحمِلَ إِذلالَها

2. Or else why did she become jealous and what
Did I gain, may God water the ruins of her abode

٢. وَإِلّا فَفيمَ تَجَنَّت وَما
جَنيتُ سَقى اللَهُ أَطلالَها

3. Behold, a slave girl of the imam
In whom love has settled and wrapped her in its cloak

٣. أَلا إِنَّ جارِيَةً لِلإِما
مِ قَد أُسكِنَ الحُبُّ سِربالَها

4. She walked between short-statured maids
Her wrists competing in a walking match

٤. مَشَت بَينَ حورٍ قِصارِ الخُطا
تُجاذِبُ في المَشيِ أَكفالَها

5. God has wearied my soul with her
And wearied me with blaming her coquetry

٥. وَقَد أَتعَبَ اللَهُ نَفسي بِها
وَأَتعَبَ بِاللَومِ عُذّالَها

6. As if in my eyes wherever
I tread on earth is her statue

٦. كَأَنَّ بِعَينَيَّ في حَيثُما
سَلَكتُ مِنَ الأَرضِ تِمثالَها

7. The caliphate came to him in submission
Dragging its train behind

٧. أَتَتهُ الخِلافَةُ مُنقادَةً
إِلَيهِ تُجَرِّرُ أَذيالَها

8. And it was not fit for any but him
Nor was he fit for any but it

٨. وَلَم تَكُ تَصلُحُ إِلّا لَهُ
وَلَم يَكُ يَصلُحُ إِلّا لَها

9. Had anyone else coveted it
The earth would have shaken with tremors

٩. وَلَو رامَها أَحَدٌ غَيرُهُ
لَزُلزِلَتِ الأَرضُ زِلزالَها

10. Had the hearts' daughters not obeyed him
God would not have accepted their deeds

١٠. وَلَو لَم تُطِعهُ بَناتُ القُلوبِ
لَما قَبِلَ اللَهُ أَعمالَها

11. The caliph is above some
Who hate whoever says this of him

١١. وَإِنَّ الخَليفَةَ مِن بَعضِ لا
إِلَيهِ لَيُبغِضُ مَن قالَها