
O who feels for me the inhabitants of the graves, and sees them

من احس لي أهل القبور ومن رأى

1. O who feels for me the inhabitants of the graves, and sees them
Who feels them for me between the layers of dust

١. مَنَ اَحَسَّ لي أَهلَ القُبورِ وَمَن رَأى
مَنَ اَحَسُّهُم لي بَينَ أَطباقِ الثَرى

2. Who feels for me those whom I used to befriend and they would befriend me
So I was estranged after the gathering

٢. مَنَ اَحَسَّ لي مَن كُنتُ آلَفُهُ وَيَأ
لَفُني فَقَد أَنكَرتُ بُعدَ المُلتَقى

3. Who feels them for me while he is preoccupied with curing a grief
While being busy curing it from whoever called

٣. مَنَ اَحَسَّهُ لي إِذ يُعالِجُ غُصَّةً
مُتَشاغِلاً بِعِلاجِها عَمَّن دَعا

4. Who feels them for me above the surface of his bed
As a group walks with it to the house of destruction

٤. مَنَ اَحَسَّهُ لي فَوقَ ظَهرِ سَريرِهِ
يَمشي بِهِ نَفَرٌ إِلى بَيتِ البِلى

5. O you who are alive yet dead
You wasted your life with excuses and wishes

٥. يا أَيُّها الحَيُّ الَّذي هُوَ مَيِّتٌ
أَفنَيتُ عُمرَكَ بِالتَعَلُّلِ وَالمُنى

6. As for old age, its garment has covered you
And stripped off your hands the clothes of youth

٦. أَمّا المَشيبُ فَقَد كَساكَ رِداؤُهُ
وَاِبتَزَّ عَن كَفَّيكَ أَثوابَ الصِبا

7. The generation whom you knew has passed
To their path, and you will join those who passed

٧. وَلَقَد مَضى القَرنُ الَّذينَ عَهَدتَهُم
لِسَبيلِهِم وَلَتَلحَقَنَّ بِمَن مَضى

8. Little remains so be prepared
And little your happiness will be pure if it is pure

٨. وَلَقَلَّ ما تَبقى فَكُن مُتَوَقَّعاً
وَلَقَلَّ ما يَصِفو سُرورُكَ إِن صَفا

9. And this is the path so take provisions for it
As if your day is soon to come

٩. وَهِيَ السَبيلُ فَخُذ لِذَلِكَ عُدَّةً
فَكَأَنَّ يَومَكَ عَن قَريبٍ قَد أَتى

10. Verily, riches are but contentment itself
How far is the greedy nature from riches

١٠. إِنَّ الغِنى لَهُوَ القُنوعُ بِعَينِهِ
ما أَبعَدَ الطِبعَ الحَريصَ مِنَ الغِنى

11. Do not let it preoccupy you if you turn away from what
You woke up upon, neither perhaps nor maybe

١١. لا يَشغَلَنَّكَ لَو وَلَيتَ عَنِ الَّذي
أَصبَحتَ فيهِ وَلا لَعَلَّ وَلا عَسى

12. Oppose your desire if it calls you to doubt
For there is much good in opposing desire

١٢. خالِف هَواكَ إِذا دَعاكَ لِرَيبَةٍ
فَلَرُبَّ خَيرٍ في مُخالَفَةِ الهَوى

13. The sign of proof is clear to its seeker
And I see the hearts blind to the proof

١٣. عَلَمُ المَحَجَّةِ بَيِّنٌ لِمُريدِهِ
وَأَرى القُلوبَ عَنِ المَحَجَّةِ في عَمى

14. And I have wondered at one destroyed and one saved
They are both found, and I wondered at one saved

١٤. وَلَقَد عَجِبتُ لِهالِكٍ وَنجاتُهُ
مَوجودَةٌ وَلَقَد عَجِبتُ لِمَن نَجا

15. And I wondered that he forgot the Dove, while there is no
Escape from it even if delayed

١٥. وَعَجِبتُ إِذ نَسي الحِمامَ وَلَيسَ مِن
دونِ الحِمامِ وَإِن تَأَخَّرَ مُنتَهى

16. The hours of your night and day both
Are messengers to you and they hasten the pace

١٦. ساعاتُ لَيلِكَ وَالنَهارِ كِلَيهِما
رُسُلٌ إِلَيكَ وَهُنَّ يُسرِعنَ الخُطا

17. And if you are saved then it is but the mercy of
The King, the Merciful, and if you perish then with retribution

١٧. وَلَئِن نَجَوتَ فَإِنَّما هِيَ رَحمَةُ الـ
ـمَلِكِ الرَحيمِ وَإِن هَلَكتَ فَبِالجَزا

18. O dweller of the world, are you secured from its decline
You see the days going around the mill

١٨. يا ساكِنَ الدُنيا أَمِنتَ زَوالَها
وَلَقَد تَرى الأَيّامَ دائِرَةَ الرَحى

19. Eternity destroyed every one fortified
At the head of a towering, impregnable mountain

١٩. وَلَكُم أَبادَ الدَهرُ مِن مُتَحَصِّنٍ
في رَأسِ أَرعَنَ شاهِقٍ صَعبِ الذُرى

20. Where are the first ones who built the fortresses and mobilized
In them armies as a deterrent, where are the first ones

٢٠. أَينَ الأُلى بَنوا الحُصونَ وَجَنَّدوا
فيها الجُنودَ تَعَزُّزاً أَينَ الأُلى

21. Where are the brave patient ones, protective
On a day of madness, defending violated sanctity

٢١. أَينَ الحُماةُ الصابِرونَ حَمِيَّةً
يَومَ الهِياجِ لِحَرِّ مُجتَلَبِ القَنا

22. And the ones with pulpits, armies, registers
Sieges, cities and villages

٢٢. وَذَوُو المَنابِرِ وَالعَساكِرِ وَالدَسا
كِرِ وَالمَحاصِرِ وَالمَدائِنِ وَالقُرى

23. And the ones with processions, ships, squadrons
Fighting groups, and high ranks

٢٣. وَذَوُو المَواكِبِ وَالمَراكِبِ وَالكَتا
أَئبِ وَالنَجائِبِ وَالمَراتِبِ في العُلى

24. The King of Kings destroyed them so they became
None remains that can be felt or seen

٢٤. أَفناهُمُ مَلِكُ المُلوكِ فَأَصبَحوا
ما مِنهُمُ أَحَدٌ يُحَسُّ وَلا يُرى

25. He is the Hidden, the Evident, the King who
Has always ruled, mounted on the Throne

٢٥. وَهُوَ الخَفِيُّ الظاهِرُ المَلِكُ الَّذي
هُوَ لَم يَزَل مَلِكاً عَلى العَرشِ اِستَوى

26. He is the Ordainer, the Planner of His creation
And He is the One with no equal in kingship

٢٦. وَهُوَ المُقَدِّرُ وَالمُدَبِّرُ خَلقَهُ
وَهُوَ الَّذي في المُلكِ لَيسَ لَهُ سِوى

27. He is the One who judges what suits Him
Regarding us, and no judgement can be passed on Him when He judges

٢٧. وَهُوَ الَّذي يَقضي بِما هُوَ أَهلُهُ
فينا وَلا يُقضى عَلَيهِ إِذا قَضى

28. And He is the One who sent the Prophet Muhammad
May Allah send blessings on the Chosen Prophet

٢٨. وَهُوَ الَّذي بَعَثَ النَبِيَّ مُحَمَّداً
صَلّى الإِلَهُ عَلى النَبِيِّ المُصطَفى

29. He is the One who saved and rescued us through him
After misguidance, from error to guidance

٢٩. وَهُوَ الَّذي أَنجى وَأَنقَذَنا بِهِ
بَعدَ الصَلالِ مِنَ الضَلالِ إِلى الهُدى

30. Until when, my friend, will you not beware
Until when, until when, and until when

٣٠. حَتّى مَتى لا تَرعَوي يا صاحِبي
حَتّى مَتى حَتّى مَتى وَإِلى مَتى

31. As the night passes, and the day, and in them
Lessons pass and ideas for those of high resolve

٣١. وَاللَيلُ يَذهَبُ وَالنَهارُ وَفيهِما
عِبَرٌ تَمُرُّ وَفِكرَةٌ لِأُلي النُهى

32. Until when do you seek to build a home
You do not feel safe in from tremors or harm

٣٢. حَتّى مَتى تَبغي عِمارَةَ مَنزِلٍ
لا تَأمَنُ الرَوعاتِ فيهِ وَلا الأَذى

33. O company of the dead, o guests of
The earth, how did you find the taste of soil

٣٣. يا مَعشَرَ الأَمواتِ يا ضيفانَ تُر
بِ الأَرضِ كَيفَ وَجَدتُمُ طَعمَ الثَرى

34. O people of the graves, dust has erased your faces
O people of the graves, those beauty has changed

٣٤. أَهلَ القُبورِ مَحا التُرابُ وُجوهَكُم
أَهلَ القُبورِ تَغَيَّرَت تِلكَ الحُلى

35. O people of the graves, it is enough to be distant from your homes
Verily the homes are desolate without you

٣٥. أَهلَ القُبورِ كَفى بِنَأيِ دِيارَكُم
إِنَّ الدِيارَ بِكُم لَشاحِطَةُ النَوى

36. O people of the graves, no connection remains between you
Whoever died, his rope has become loose

٣٦. أَهلَ القُبورِ لا تَواصُلَ بَينَكُم
مَن ماتَ أَصبَحَ حَبلُهُ رَثَّ القِوى

37. How many a brother of mine whose grave I stood over
And supplicated for him to Allah, your harm is from one excellent

٣٧. كَم مِن أَخٍ لي قَد وَقَفتُ بِقَبرِهِ
فَدَعَوتُهُ لِلَّهِ دَرُّكَ مِن فَتى

38. O brother did not the death that came protect you
What the doctor fed you or made you drink

٣٨. أَأُخَيَّ لَم يَقِكَ المَنِيَّةَ إِذ أَتَت
ما كانَ أَطعَمَكَ الطَبيبُ وَما سَقى

39. O brother, did the talismans not avail you
What I feared over you, neither those nor the charms

٣٩. أَأُخَيَّ لَم تُغنِ التَمائِمُ عَنكَ ما
قَد كُنتُ أَحذَرُهُ عَلَيكَ وَلا الرُقى

40. O brother how did you find the narrowness of the
Grave's darkness, and how did you find the constriction of the niche

٤٠. أَأُخَيَّ كَيفَ وَجَدتَ مَسَّ خُشونَةِ الـ
ـمَأوى وَكَيفَ وَجَدتَ ضيقَ المُتَّكا

41. I used to dislike being separated from you alive
More agonizing than it is the separation of the returning place

٤١. قَد كُنتُ أَفرَقُ مِن فِراقِكَ سالِماً
فَأَجَلُّ مِنهُ فِراقُ دائِرَةِ الرَدى

42. So today it is right that I fret since
The decree of God was carried out on me regarding you as it was carried out

٤٢. فَاليَومَ حَقَّ لي التَوَهُّعُ إِذ جَرى
قَدَرُ الإِلَهِ عَلَيَّ فيكَ بِما جَرى

43. My eye cries you then my heart grieves
And is torn because of you when it cries

٤٣. تَبكيكَ عَيني ثُمَّ قَلبي حَسرَةً
وَتَقَطُّعاً مِنهُ عَلَيكَ إِذا بَكى

44. And when I remember you o brother my
Liver is torn so I toss in anxiety and grief

٤٤. وَإِذا ذَكَرتُكَ يا أُخَيَّ تَقَطَّعَت
كَبِدي فَأُقلِقتُ الجَوانِحُ وَالحَشا