
No immortal father, no undying son

لا والد خالد ولا ولد

1. No immortal father, no undying son
Each polished frame decay in time will own

١. لا والِدٌ خالِدٌ وَلا وَلَدُ
كُلُّ جَليدٍ يَخونُهُ الجَلَدُ

2. As though the tenants of the grave had never known
Abode in houses, nor the morning light has shown

٢. كَأَنَّ أَهلَ القُبورِ لَم يَسكُنوا ال
دورَ وَلَم يَحيَ مِنهُمُ أَحَدُ

3. As if the semblance we on earth have worn
Ne'er lived before its coming or was ever born

٣. وَلَم يَكونوا إِلّا كَهَيئَتِهِم
لَم يولَدوا قَبلَها وَلَم يَلِدوا

4. O thou that chidest at the thought of death
Think, ere he comes to thee, how strong's his hand

٤. يا ناسِيَ المَوتِ وَهوَ يَذكُرُهُ
هَل لَكَ بِالمَوتِ إِن أَتاكَ يَدُ

5. Dweller in domes with painted roofs beneath
Guarded by troops and servants at command

٥. يا ساكِنَ القُبَّةِ المُطيفِ بِها
أَحراسُهُ وَالجُنودُ وَالعُدَدُ

6. Thy dwelling shall in turn to thee deny
However new, a shelter safe to fly

٦. دارُكَ دارٌ يَموتُ ساكِنُها
دارُكَ يُبلي جَديدَها الأَبَدُ

7. Lightly along life's path thy footsteps roam
From thee youth's grace and vigour are not gone

٧. تَختالُ في مَطرَفِ الصِبا مَرَحاً
يَخطِرُ مِنكَ الذِراعُ وَالعَضَدُ

8. Thou weepest those that to the grave have clome
Yet littler reck'st though death shall claim thine own

٨. تَبكي عَلى مَن مَضى وَأَنتَ غَداً
يورِدُكَ المَوتُ في الَّذي وَرَدوا

9. Didst know the fate to come that waits for all
Thine eyes with tears repentant soon would fall

٩. لَو كُنتَ تَدري ماذا يُريدُ بِكَ ال
مَوتُ لَأَبلى جُفونَكَ السَهَدُ