
By Him who gives life and death

أما والذي يحيى به ويمات

1. By Him who gives life and death
No youth but has lapses

١. أَما وَالَّذي يُحيى بِهِ وَيُماتُ
لَقَلَّ فَتىً إِلّا لَهُ هَفَواتُ

2. And no young man but his sharpness will be blunted
And youth's vitality and vigor will fade

٢. وَما مِن فَتاً إِلّا سَيَبلى جَديدُهُ
وَتُفني الفَتى الرَوحاتُ وَالدَلَجاتُ

3. A young man is stirred to move and to rest
But a day will surely come to still all movements

٣. يَغُرُّ الفَتى تَحريكُهُ وَسُكونُهُ
وَلا بُدَّ يَوماً تَسكُنُ الحَرَكاتُ

4. He who pursues passions, one after another
His reason fragmented by desires

٤. وَمَن يَتَتَبَّع شَهوَةً بَعدَ شَهوَةٍ
مُلِحّاً تَقَسَّم عَقلَهُ الشَهَواتُ

5. He who is safe from the world, unaffected by its sweetness
Or bitterness, such stability I have not seen

٥. وَمَن يَأمَنُ الدُنيا وَلَيسَ لِحُلوِها
وَلا مُرِّها فيما رَأَيتَ ثَباتُ

6. Some souls respond to God's call and depart
Others await the caller of death

٦. أَجابَت نُفوسٌ داعِيَ اللَهِ فَانقَضَت
وَأُخرى لِداعي المَوتِ مُنتَظِراتُ

7. Displeasure and pleasure with fate
Alternate warnings and promises for them

٧. وَما زالَتِ الإِيامُ بِالسُخطِ وَالرِضا
لَهُنَّ وَعيدٌ مَرَّةٌ وَعِداتُ

8. If you gain wealth you say "my money and riches"
But what is yours except God and good deeds

٨. إِذا اِزدَدتَ مالاً قُلتَ مالي وَثَروَتي
وَمالَكَ إِلّا اللَهُ وَالحَسَناتُ