1. For God's sake, you are unforgiving to me
What can I expect of your loyalty?
١. لِلَّهِ أَنتَ عَلى جَفائِكَ
ماذا أُؤَمِّلُ مِن وَفائِك
2. I am confident, based on your past deeds
That you will again show me good favor
٢. إِنّي عَلى ما كانَ مِنـ
ـكَ لَواثِقٌ بِجَميلِ رائِك
3. I thought about how you shunned me
And found that was due to your long absence
٣. فَكَّرتُ فيمَ جَفَوتَني
فَوَجَدتُ ذاكَ لِطولِ نائِك
4. So I saw I should seek you out
And take the initiative to meet with you
٤. فَرَأَيتُ أَن أَسعى إِلَيـ
ـكَ وَأَن أُبادِرَ في لِقائِك
5. So that I may restore what changed for me
And create anew our brotherly bond
٥. حَتّى أُجَدِّدُ ما تَغَيَّـ
ـرَ لي وَأَخلَقَ مِن إِخائِك