1. Oh, how many sorrows have saddened me, their beginnings have pained me,
So I calmed my soul when it worried about its endings,
١. أَلا رُبَّ أَحزانٍ شَجاني طُروقُها
فَسَكَّنتُ نَفسي حينَ هَمَّ خُفوقُها
2. And patience will not be perfected by one who does not practice it,
And one who does not taste anguish will not know anguish,
٢. وَلَن يَستَتِمَّ الصَبرَ مَن لا يَرُبُّهُ
وَلَن يَعرِفَ الأَحزانَ مَن لا يَذوقُها
3. People plunge into words and have tongues,
But the closest of them to all good are their truthful ones,
٣. وَلِلناسِ خَوضٌ في الكَلامِ وَأَلسُنٌ
وَأَقرَبُها مِن كُلِّ خَيرٍ صَدوقُها
4. And nothing is sound unless its unseen corroborates it,
And branches only grow from their roots,
٤. وَما صَحَّ إِلّا شاهِدٌ صَحَّ غَيبُهُ
وَما تُنبِتُ الأَغصانَ إِلّا عُروقُها
5. I see myself distracted by playthings, heedless,
And if not for my soul’s ignorance and its caprice,
٥. أَراني بِأَعباثِ المَلاعِبِ لاهِياً
وَبِاللَهوِ لَولا جَهلُ نَفسي وَموقُها
6. I patch up from my lowly world a worthless house,
Full of so much commotion and its cracks,
٦. أُرَقِّعُ مِن دُنيايَ دُنيا دَنِيَّةً
وَداراً كَثيراً وَهيُها وَخُروقُها
7. If I had hearing, I would hear the call
Of the setting sun to me and its rising,
٧. فَإِن كانَ لي سَمعٌ فَقَد أَسمَعُ النِدا
يُنادي غُروبُ الشَمسِ لي وَشُروقُها
8. And I missed the chance for truthful commerce for the Hereafter,
Whose markets once enabled me from the hand of profit,
٨. وَتَجرَةِ صِدقٍ لِلمَعادِ أَضَعتُها
وَقَد أَمكَنَتني مِن يَدِ الرِبحِ سوقُها
9. And my soul did not lack a day leading it,
To the ultimate aim, and a night driving it.
٩. وَلَم تَخلُ نَفسي مِن نَهارٍ يَقودُها
إِلى الغايَةِ القُصوى وَلَيلٍ يَسوقُها