
O peace, there is no veil except you

سلم يا سلم ليس دونك ستر

1. O peace, there is no veil except you
Al-Ma'arri has been imprisoned, so life is bitter

١. سَلمُ يا سَلمُ لَيسَ دونَكَ سِترُ
حُبِسَ المَوصِلِيُّ فَالعَيشُ مُرُّ

2. Pleasures have not tasted good since he inhabited the grave
The head of pleasures among people has become forbidden

٢. ما اِستَطابَ اللَذّاتِ مُذ سَكَنَ المُط
بِقَ رَأسُ اللَذّاتِ في الناسِ حُرُّ

3. Al-Ma'arri left everyone whom God created
And their lives have become gloomy

٣. تَرَكَ المَوصِلِيُّ مَن خَلَقَ اللا
هُ جَميعاً وَعَيشُهُم مُقشَعِرُّ

4. Revelry and happiness were imprisoned, so there is nothing
In the land that one can be distracted by or delighted with

٤. حُبِسَ اللَهوُ وَالسُرورُ فَما في ال
أَرضِ شَيءٌ يُلهى بِهِ أَو يَسُرُّ