
I have tested people's brotherhood, O my life, all of them

بلوت إخاء الناس يا عمر كلهم

1. I have tested people's brotherhood, O my life, all of them
And I have tried until my experiences have taught me

١. بَلَوتُ إِخاءَ الناسِ يا عَمرُ كُلِّهِم
وَجَرَّبتُ حَتّى أَحكَمَتني تَجارِبي

2. So I did not see people's affection except through their satisfaction
Whoever dislikes or gets angry is not a friend

٢. فَلَم أَرَ وُدَّ الناسِ إِلّا رِضاهُمُ
فَمَن يُزرِ أَو يَغضَب فَلَيسَ بِصاحِبِ