1. You leaned towards this world as you saw it
Yet since you met it you've turned away
١. رَكَنتَ إِلى الدُنيا عَلى ما تَرى مِنها
وَأَنتَ مُذُ استَقبَلتَها مُدبِرٌ عَنها
2. The soul finds hard all but the enlightened path
If it grows difficult, make the burden light
٢. وَلِلنَفسِ دونَ العارِفاتِ صُعوبَةٌ
فَإِن صَعُبَت يَوماً عَلَيكَ فَهَوِّنها
3. The soul is a bird aflutter with desire
With wings that swoop into passion's site
٣. وَلِلنَفسِ طَيرٌ يَنتَفِضنَ إِلى الهَوى
بِأَجنِحَةٍ تَهوي إِلَيهِ فَسَكِّنها