
Know that fate ever plays tricks and ruin brings,

إن للدهر فاعلمن عثارا

1. Know that fate ever plays tricks and ruin brings,
So how long, methinks, shall we see such strange things?

١. إِنَّ لِلدَهرِ فَاِعلَمَنَّ عِثارا
فَإِلى كَم أَما تَرى الأَقدارا

2. It tries hard friendships, sund'ring each from each,
And parts dear neighbors, leaving breach on breach.

٢. تَتَوَخّى الأُلّافَ إِلفاً فَإِلفاً
وَتُنَقّي الجيرانَ جاراً فَجارا

3. If we had but seen, what time the night did chase
The day, the day the night, in headlong race,

٣. لَو عَقَلنا إِذِ النَهارُ يَسوقُ ال
لَيلَ وَاللَيلُ إِذ يَسوقُ النَهارا

4. How fast they haste by every living soul,
Erasing trace and mark of young and old-

٤. لَرَأَيناهُما بِمَرٍّ حَثيثٍ
يَطوِيانِ الأَعمارَ وَالآثارا

5. Men were not equal when the race began;
God made them different types in His wise plan.

٥. ما اِستَوى الناسُ مُنذُ كانوا أُناساً
خَلَقَ اللَهُ خَلقَهُ أَطوارا

6. Who learns life's lessons will increasing know
How little learning profits man below.

٦. مَن رَأى عِبرَةً فَفَكَّرَ فيها
لَم يَزِدهُ التَفكيرُ إِلّا اِعتِبارا