
How many trials have I faced, but Allah protected me from their evil!

لكم فلتة لي قد وقى الله شرها

1. How many trials have I faced, but Allah protected me from their evil!
I sought benefit for myself in something, but it harmed me.

١. لَكَم فَلتَةٍ لي قَد وَقى اللَهُ شَرَّها
طَلَبتُ لِنَفسي نَفعَ شَيءٍ فَضَرَّها

2. All praise is for You, my Master, Creator of all.
Abundant thanks for what displeased my soul, and what delighted her.

٢. لَكَ الحَمدُ يا مَولايَ يا خالِقَ الوَرى
كَثيراً عَلى ما ساءَ نَفسي وَسَرَّها

3. I see the eye of displeasure as a heated eye.
And eye of contentment - how soothing it is!

٣. أَرى العَينَ عَينَ السُخطِ عَيناً سَخينَةً
وَيا عَينُ يا عَينُ الرِضى ما أَقَرَّها

4. The world never ceases muddying its own clarity,
The world never stops embittering its own nectar.

٤. وَما زالَتِ الدُنيا تُكَدِّرُ صَفوَها
وَمازالَتِ الدُنيا تَنَغِّصُ دَرَّها

5. We were tested by the world because of our love for it,
With an abode of delusion - what an illusion it cast!

٥. بُلِينا مِنَ الدُنيا عَلى حُبِّنا لَها
بِدارِ غُرورٍ وَيحَها ما أَغَرَّها

6. Do we not see the days flowing by with their circumstances?
Do we not see the passage of nights and their bitterness?

٦. أَلَسنا نَرى الأَيامَ تَجري صُروفُها
أَلَسنا نَرى حَثَّ اللَيالي وَمَرَّها

7. Do we not see the betrayal of time against its people?
Do we not see the approach of death and its circling?

٧. أَلَسنا نَرى غَدرَ الزَمانِ بِأَهلِهِ
أَلَسنا نَرى عَطفَ المَنايا وَكَرَّها

8. By my father's life, truly life is sweet,
And death a cup - how bitter its taste!

٨. لَعَمرُ أَبي إِنَّ الحَياةَ لَحُلوَةٌ
وَلَلمَوتُ كَأسٌ يا لَها ما أَمَرَّها