
Death seems to have struck my qualities

كأن المنايا قد قرعن صفاتي

1. Death seems to have struck my qualities
And bent me until my channels were chipped

١. كَأَنَّ المَنايا قَد قَرَعنَ صَفاتي
وَقَوَّسنَني حَتّى قَصَفنَ قَناتي

2. I turned to the layers of earth as my address
To the one I was absent from, my attributes

٢. وَباشَرتُ أَطباقَ الثَرى وَتَوَجَّهَت
بِنَعيِي إِلى مَن غِبتُ عَنهُ نُعاتي

3. What a surprise from my long heedlessness and neglect
And what is coming inevitably comes

٣. فَيا عَجَباً مِن طولِ سَهوي وَغَفلَتي
وَما هُوَ آتٍ لا مَحالَةَ آتِ

4. The anklets of death are heading to the one you see
Accompanying the spirits morning and evening

٤. حُتوفُ المَنايا قاصِداتٌ لِمَن تَرى
مُوافينَ بِالرَوحاتِ وَالغَدَواتِ

5. And how many great ones, their days
Did not wait for their brains

٥. وَكَم مِن عَظيمٍ شَأنُهُ لَم تَكُن لَهُ
بِمُهجَتِهِ الأَيامُ مُنتَظِراتِ

6. I saw his close ones hastily scooping with their palms
The earth's soil over him competing

٦. رَأَيتُ ذَوي قُرباهُ تَحثي أَكُفُّهُم
عَلَيهِ تُرابَ الأَرضِ مُبتَدِراتِ

7. And over him stood canopies of his women
Crying, wailing, confined

٧. وَقامَت عَلَيهِ حُسَّرٌ مِن نِسائِهِ
يُنادينَ بِالوَيلاتِ مُحتَجِراتِ