1. It seems you returned to your family as though
Among the neighbors they announced your death
١. كَأَنَّكَ في أُهَيلِكَ قَد أُتيتا
وَفي الجيرانِ وَيحَكَ قَد نُعيتا
2. It seems you were a stranger among them
Given a cup of death to drink
٢. كَأَنَّكَ كُنتَ بَينَهُم غَريباً
بِكَأسِ المَوتِ صِرفاً قَد سَقيتا
3. The dwellings became desolate without you
As if you never lived in them and sang
٣. أَصبَحتِ المَساكِنُ مِنكَ قَفراً
كَأَنَّكَ لَم تَكُن فيها غَنيتا
4. It seems you and fate had arrows
Aimed by your fateful arrow and shot
٤. كَأَنَّكَ وَالحُتوفُ لَها سِهامٌ
مُفَوَّقَةٌ بِسَهمِكَ قَد رُميتا
5. You were created alone
To answer when called by death
٥. وَإِنَّكَ إِذ خُلِقتَ خُلِقتَ فَرداً
إِلى أَجَلٍ تُجيبُ إِذا دُعيتا
6. To a time when the nights count down for you
When you fulfill that count and pass away
٦. إِلى أَجَلٍ تُعَدُّ لَكَ اللَيالي
إِذا وَفَّيتَ عِدَّتَها فَنيتا
7. Every youth that death forgives
And time wears down as it wore you down
٧. وَكُلُّ فَتىً تُغافِصُهُ المَنايا
وَيُبليهِ الزَمانُ كَما بَليتا
8. So many weep in agony for you
While those you left rejoice in what you met
٨. فَكَم مِن موجَعٍ يَبكيكَ شَجواً
وَمَسرورِ الفُؤادِ بِما لَقيتا