
My occupation with what does not concern me has lasted long,

طال شغلي بغير ما يعنيني

1. My occupation with what does not concern me has lasted long,
And my pursuits are more than what suffices me,

١. طالَ شُغلي بِغَيرِ ما يَعنيني
وَطِلابي فَوقَ الَّذي يَكفيني

2. And my scheming for what is against me and not for me,
And my preoccupation with everything that distracts me,

٢. وَاِحتِيالي بِما عَلَيَّ وَلا لي
وَاِشتِغالي بِكُلِّ ما يُلهيني

3. And I see what my God has decreed for me,
Of a decree, for indeed it will come to me,

٣. وَأَرى ما قَضى عَلَيَّ إِلَهي
مِن قَضاءٍ فَإِنَّهُ يَأتيني

4. And had I curbed my appetite, I would not have sought my sustenance,
For my sustenance is what seeks me,

٤. وَلَوَ اِنّي كَفَفتُ لَم أَبغِ رِزقي
كانَ رِزقي هُوَ الَّذي يَبغيني

5. I praise Allah, the Owner of the Ascending Stairways in gratitude,
Upon them is none but the weak of faith,

٥. أَحمَدُ اللَهَ ذا المَعارِجِ شُكراً
ما عَلَيها إِلّا ضَعيفُ اليَقينِ

6. And by my life, the path to the truth is indeed,
Clear to the discerning beholder,

٦. وَلَعَمري إِنَّ الطَريقَ إِلى الحَق
قِ مُبينٌ لِلناظِرِ المُستَبينِ

7. And woe to my soul! I see myself in the world,
Miserly while not miserly in my religion,

٧. وَيحَ نَفسي إِنّي أَراني بِدُنيا
يَ ضَنيناً وَلا أَضِنُّ بِديني

8. I wish I knew tomorrow, will my book be given,
To my left hand for my wretchedness or my right hand?

٨. لَيتَ شِعري غَداً أَأُعطى كِتابي
بِشِمالي لِشَقوَتي أَم يَميني