
I play, yet our days pass away,

أنلهو وأيامنا تذهب

1. I play, yet our days pass away,
And death plays not.

١. أَنَلهو وَأَيّامُنا تَذهَبُ
وَنَلعَبُ وَالمَوتُ لا يَلعَبُ

2. Strange that one plays who is destined to die;
Strange that I play not, who nothing surprises.

٢. عَجِبتُ لِذي لَعِبٍ قَد لَها
عَجِبتُ وَمالِيَ لا أَعجَبُ

3. He plays who looks todie and whose home decays,
We see constantly all that saddens us prevail

٣. أَيَلهو وَيَلعَبُ مَن نَفسُهُ
تَموتُ وَمَنزِلُهُ يَخرَبُ

4. Over all that gladdens us.
We see the generations in the shrouds of annihilation

٤. نَرى كُلَّ ما ساءَنا دائِباً
عَلى كُلِّ ما سَرَّنا يَغلِبُ

5. Whenever they ascend they descend.
You see the night seeking us and the day,

٥. نَرى الخَلقَ في طَبَقاتِ البِلى
إِذا ما هُمُ صَعَّدوا صَوَّبوا

6. But we know not which of the two is the seeker.
The new moons encompass us, gathering,

٦. تَرى اللَيلَ يَطلُبُنا وَالنَهارَ
وَلَم نَدرِ أَيُّهُما أَطلَبُ

7. So we have no escape from them.
Everything has an allotted span,

٧. أَحاطَ الجَديدانِ جَمعاً بِنا
فَلَيسَ لَنا عَنهُما مَهرَبُ

8. Everything has a record written.
How long will you contend against hoary decrepitude,

٨. وَكُلٌّ لَهُ مُدَّةٌ تَنقَضي
وَكُلٌّ لَهُ أَثَرٌ يُكتَبُ

9. O you who play, aged with grey hairs?
Events continue to run with you

٩. إِلى كَم تُدافِعُ نَهيَ المَشيـ
ـبِ يا أَيُّها اللاعِبُ الأَشيَبُ

10. Till you are delivered or overthrown.
You will be given and stripped till your soul

١٠. وَما زِلتَ تَجري بِكَ الحادِثاتُ
فَتَسلَمُ مِنهُنَّ أَو تُنكَبُ

11. Is the last thing they strip from you.

١١. سَتُعطى وَتُسلَبُ حَتّى تَكو
نَ نَفسُكَ آخِرَ ما يُسلَبُ