
Whoever responds to passion in whatever

من أجاب الهوى إلى كل ما يد

1. Whoever responds to passion in whatever
it calls him to of what misleads has strayed and lost his way

١. مَن أَجابَ الهَوى إِلى كُلِّ ما يَد
عوهُ مِمّا يُضِلُّ ضَلَّ وَتاها

2. Whoever sees an admonition and reflects upon it
it warns him about a thing when he sees it

٢. مَن رَأى عِبرَةً فَفَكَّرَ فيها
آذَنَتهُ بِالشَيءِ حينَ يَراها

3. Sometimes matters are obscured to one
who handles matters from their origins

٣. رُبَّما اِستَغلَقَت أُمورٌ عَلى مَن
كانَ يَأتي الأُمورَ مِن مَأتاها

4. And everything that comes and goes will return
to a hand that has perfected it

٤. وَسَيَأوي إِلى يَدٍ كُلُّ ما تَأ
تي وَتَأتي إِلى يَدٍ حُسناها

5. Salvation may be disliked by the soul
and what was harmful to it may come

٥. قَد تَكونُ النَجاةُ تَكرَهُها النَف
سُ وَتَأتي ما كانَ فيهِ أَذاها