
What can the lowly servant do when rejected by his Master?

من لعبد أذله مولاه

1. What can the lowly servant do when rejected by his Master?
There is none to intercede for him except the Master himself.

١. مَن لِعَبدٍ أَذَلَّهُ مَولاهُ
ما لَهُ شافِعٌ إِلَيهِ سِواهُ

2. He complains to Him of his state and fears Him,
And places his hopes in Him just as he fears Him.

٢. يَشتَكي ما بِهِ إِلَيهِ وَيَخشا
هُ وَيَرجوهُ مِثلَما يَخشاهُ