1. My soul mourned for me as the nights went by
Changing from one state to another
١. نَعى نَفسي إِلَيَّ مِنَ اللَيالي
تَصَرُّفُهُنَّ حالاً بَعدَ حالِ
2. Why am I not preoccupied with myself?
Why do I not fear death, what is wrong with me?
٢. فَمالي لَستُ مَشغولاً بِنَفسي
وَمالي لا أَخافُ المَوتَ مالي
3. I am certain that I will not last
Yet I see that I do not care
٣. لَقَد أَيقَنتُ أَنّي غَيرُ باقٍ
وَلَكِنّي أَراني لا أُبالي
4. Do I not take heed from the memory of a people
Who perhaps crossed my mind and perished?
٤. أَما لي عِبرَةٌ في ذِكرِ قَومٍ
تَفانَوا رُبَّما خَطَروا بِبالي
5. It is as if my pallbearer started walking
With my coffin between four hurried men
٥. كَأَنَّ مُمَرِّضي قَد قامَ يَمشي
بِنَعشي بَينَ أَربَعَةٍ عِجالِ
6. Behind me are women crying bitterly
As if their hearts are distraught
٦. وَخَلفي نُسوَةٌ يَبكينَ شَجواً
كَأَنَّ قُلوبُهُنَّ عَلى مَقالِ
7. I will be content with the sustenance of a day
And not seek to compete in wealth
٧. سَأَقنَعُ ما بَقيتُ بِقوتِ يَومٍ
وَلا أَبغي مُكاثَرَةً بِمالِ
8. Exalted is God, O Salama son of Omar
Greed has humiliated the necks of men
٨. تَعالى اللَهُ يا سَلمَ اِبنَ عَمرٍ
أَذَلَّ الحِرصُ أَعناقَ الرِجالِ
9. Let the world come to you easily
Is that not its ultimate fate, to decline?
٩. هَبِ الدُنيا تُساقُ إِلَيكِ عَفواً
أَلَيسَ مَصيرُ ذاكَ إِلى زَوالِ
10. So why do you hope for something that does not remain
When soon the nights will change it
١٠. فَما تَرجو بِشَيءٍ لَيسَ يَبقى
وَشيكاً ما تُغَيِّرُهُ اللَيالي