1. Greetings to the dwellers of the whirling graves
As if they never sat in gatherings
١. سَلامٌ عَلى أَهلِ القُبورِ الدَوارِسِ
كَأَنَّهُمُ لَم يَجلِسوا في المَجالِسِ
2. And never tasted the pleasure of cool water
Nor eaten what is between fresh and dry
٢. وَلَم يَبلُغوا مِن بارِدِ الماءِ لَذَّةً
وَلَم يَطعَموا ما بَينَ رَطبٍ وَيابِسِ
3. And they had no rival in life
With prolonged wishes and abundant worries
٣. وَلَم يَكُ مِهُم في الحَياةِ مُنافِسٌ
طَويلُ المُنى فيها كَثيرُ الوَساوِسِ
4. You have reached the utmost death and decay
While among it, between hopeful and desperate
٤. لَقَد صِرتُمُ في غايَةِ المَوتِ وَالبِلى
وَأَنتُم بِها ما بَينَ راجٍ وَآيِسِ
5. If the competitive learned what you left
Of this world for him, he would not have competed
٥. فَلَو عَلِمَ العِلمَ المُنافِسُ في الَّذي
تَرَكتُم مِنَ الدُنيا لَهُ لَم يُنافَسِ