
Tell those who hope for life, surely

قولا لمن يرتجي الحياة أما

1. Tell those who hope for life, surely
In Ja'far there is a lesson, may he live long.

١. قولا لِمَن يَرتَجي الحَياةَ أَما
في جَعفَرٍ عِبرَةٌ وَيَحياهُ

2. They were the two ministers of God's Caliph,
Look at who they were, his heirs.

٢. كانا وَزيرَي خَليفَةِ اللَهِ ها
رونَ هُما ما هُما سَليلاهُ

3. So this is Ja'far with his honor,
His head shaved and half his hair.

٣. فَذاكُمُ جَعفَرٌ بِرِمَّتِهِ
في حالِقٍ رَأسُهُ وَنِصفاهُ

4. And the elder minister Yahya, lo,
He removed himself and was exiled.

٤. وَالشَيخُ يَحيى الوَزيرُ أَصبَحَ قَد
نَحّاهُ عَن نَفسِهِ وَأَقصاهُ

5. After being united, their group was scattered,
And they wandered through the lands, lost.

٥. شُتِّتَ بَعدَ التَجميعِ شَملُهُمُ
فَأَصبَحوا في البِلادِ قَد تاهوا

6. Thus whoever angers God with what
Satisfies the servant, God will punish him.

٦. كَذاكَ مَن يُسخِطُ الإِلَهَ بِما
يُرضي بِهِ العَبدَ يَجزِهِ اللَهُ

7. Glory to Him whom kings submit to.
I testify there is no god but Him.

٧. سُبحانَ مَن دانَتِ المُلوكُ لَهُ
أَشهَدُ أَن لا إِلَهَ إِلّاهُ

8. Blessed is he who repents after his arrogance
And repents before death, blessed is he.

٨. طوبى لِمَن تابَ بَعدَ غِرَّتِهِ
فَتابَ قَبلَ المَماتِ طوباهُ