
The poor man was distracted from those afflictions,

شغل المسكين عن تلك المحن

1. The poor man was distracted from those afflictions,
His soul departed and emptied from his body.

١. شُغِلَ المِسكينُ عَن تِلكَ المِحَن
فارَقَ الروحَ وَأَخلى مِن بَدَن

2. Indeed, I have been tasked with a wondrous matter,
I seek joy from the house of sorrow.

٢. وَلَقَد كُلِّفتُ أَمراً عَجَباً
أَسأَلُ التَفريحَ مِن بَيتِ الحَزَن

3. The poor man was weakened by those afflictions,
With the death of his soul and body.

٣. ضَعُفَ المِسكينُ عَن تِلكَ المِحَن
بِهَلاكِ الروحِ مِنهُ وَالبَدَن

4. Indeed, he was tasked with a wondrous thing,
It increased his misfortune and fulfilled his afflictions.

٤. وَلَقَد كُلِّفَ شَيئاً عَجَباً
زادَ في النَكبَةِ وَاستَوفى المِحَن

5. It is said "Gladden us" but happiness refuses
To come to me from the house of sorrow.

٥. قيلَ فَرِّحنا وَيَأبى فَرَحٌ
أَن يُواتينِيَ مِن بَيتِ الحَزَن