
Wretched is he whom the life of this world has deceived with its hopes!

مسكين من غرت الدنيا بآماله

1. Wretched is he whom the life of this world has deceived with its hopes!
How many the like of him has the life of this world toyed with!

١. مِسكينُ مَن غَرَّتِ الدُنيا بِآمالِه
كَم قَد تَلاعَبَتِ الدُنيا بِأَمثالِه

2. The heedless man forgets the inevitability of his death
in the length of his coming and going in it.

٢. يَنسى المُلِحُّ عَلى الدُنيا مَنِيَّتَهُ
بِطولِ إِدبارِهِ فيها وَإِقبالِه

3. The turns of fate do not cease to confuse him,
until it seizes him on the edge of his shovel.

٣. وَما تَزالُ صُروفُ الدَهرِ تَختُلُهُ
حَتّى تَقَنَّصَهُ مِن جَرفِ سِربالِه

4. Neither nights nor days leave
anything lasting in this life as it was.

٤. لَيسَ اللَيالي وَلا الأَيّامُ تارِكَةً
شَيئاً يَدومُ مِنَ الدُنيا عَلى حالِه

5. How miserable for the deluded ignorant man who refused
to reflect on death in the life of this world!

٥. يا بُؤسَ لِلجاهِلِ المَغرورِ كَيفَ أَبى
أَن يُخطِرَ المَوتَ في الدُنيا عَلى بالِه

6. What saves a man is what good he forwarded in this life
of his benevolence and favors in it.

٦. المَرءُ يُنقِذُهُ ما كانَ قَدَّمَ في ال
دُنيا مِنِ اِحسانِهِ فيها وَإِجمالِه

7. O you who dies tomorrow, what preparations have you made
for the approach of death with its horrors?

٧. يا مَن يَموتُ غَداً ماذا اِعتَدَدتَ لِكَر
بِ المَوتِ عِندَ غَواشيهِ وَأَهوالِه

8. The righteous and pious man dies and is envied,
and none can compete with him in some of his deeds.

٨. يَموتُ ذو البِرِّ وَالتَقوى فَتَغبِطُهُ
وَلا تُنافِسُهُ في بَعضِ أَعمالِه

9. Seek independence with God from those you used to ask.
For God is the best one asked to fulfill requests.

٩. اِستَغنِ بِاللَهِ عَمَّن كُنتَ تَسأَلُهُ
فَاللَهُ أَفضَلُ مَسؤولٍ لِسُؤآلِه