
Were it not for Yazid son of Mansur, I would not have lived,

لولا يزيد ابن منصور لما عشت

1. Were it not for Yazid son of Mansur, I would not have lived,
He who returned my soul after I had died,

١. لَولا يَزيدُ اِبنُ مَنصورٍ لَما عِشتُ
هُوَ الَّذي رَدَّ روحي بَعدَما مُتُّ

2. By Allah, the Lord of Minya and dancing girls in it,
I will thank Yazid wherever I am.

٢. وَاللَهِ رَبِّ مِنىً وَالراقِصاتِ بِها
لَأَشكُرَنَّ يَزيداً حَيثُما كُنتُ

3. I have not stopped fearing and worrying about the vicissitudes of fate,
After Allah, what I feared has protected me.

٣. ما زِلتُ مِن رَيبِ دَهري خائِفاً وَجِلاً
فَقَد كَفانِيَ بَعدَ اللَهِ ما خِفتُ

4. I have not said anything about his virtues to praise him,
Except that Yazid's virtues are beyond what I have said.

٤. ما قُلتُ في فَضلِهِ شَيئاً لِأَمدَحَهُ
إِلّا وَفَضلُ يَزيدٍ فَوقَ ما قُلتُ