
For the best imam who stood from the best tribe

لخير إمام قام من خير معشر

1. For the best imam who stood from the best tribe
And the most generous smiling man on the pulpit

١. لِخَيرِ إِمامٍ قامَ مِن خَيرِ مَعشَرٍ
وَأَكرَمِ بَسّامٍ عَلى عودِ مِنبَرِ

2. And heir of the knowledge of the ancients and their kingdom
To the protected king, son of Ja'far

٢. وَوارِثِ عِلمِ الأَوَّلينَ وَمُلكِهِم
إِلى المَلِكِ المَأمونِ مِن أُمِّ جَعفَرِ

3. I wrote while my eyes shed their tears
To you my cousin with my tears and eyelids

٣. كَتَبتُ وَعَيني تَستَهِلُّ دُمُعُها
إِلَيكَ ابنَ عَمّي مِن دُموعي وَمَحجِري

4. We were saddened by the one closest to you in lineage
And whoever strayed from my liver, my patience was little

٤. فُجِعنا بِأَدنى الناسِ مِنكَ قَرابَةً
وَمَن زَلَّ عَن كِبدي فَقَلَّ تَصَبُّري

5. A pure one came, may God purify the pure one
And the pure one was not pure in his deeds

٥. أَتى طاهِرٌ لاطَهَّرَ اللَهُ طاهِراً
وَما طَهِرٌ في فِعلِهِ بِمُطَهَّرِ

6. So he brought me out barefaced, in loss
And he took my money and destroyed my homes

٦. فَأَبرَزَني مَكشوفَةَ الوَجهِ حاسِراً
وَأَنهَبَ أَموالي وَخَرَّبَ أَدوُري

7. What I have faced saddens Haroun
And the one lacking in manners and blind in one eye wronged me

٧. يَعِزُّ عَلى هارونَ ما قَد لَقيتُهُ
وَما نابَني مِن ناقِصِ الخَلقِ أَعوَرِ

8. Remember my kinship to the Commander of the Faithful
I ransom you, one who remembers those close

٨. تَذَكَّر أَمِرَ المُؤمِنينَ قَرابَتي
فَدَيتُكَ مِن ذي قُربَةٍ مُتَذَكِّرِ

9. If what transpired was by your command
I remain patient with the decree of the All-Powerful, All-Planning

٩. فَإِن يَكُ ما أَسدى لِأَمرٍ أَمَرتَهُ
صَبَرتُ لِأَمرٍ مِن قَديرٍ مُدَبِّرِ

10. But if it is otherwise, none can defend me
Against you, Commander of the Faithful, so change it!

١٠. وَإِن تَكُنِ الأُخرى فَغَيرُ مُدافَعٍ
إِلَيكَ أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ فَغَيِّرِ