
O Abu Ghanim, though your abode is spacious,

أبا غانم أما ذراك فواسع

1. O Abu Ghanim, though your abode is spacious,
Your grave is narrow, enclosed on all sides.

١. أَبا غانِمٍ أَما ذَراكَ فَواسِعٌ
وَقَبرُكَ مَعمورُ الجَوانِبِ مُحكَمُ

2. Of what use to the buried is the prosperity of his grave
When his body laid in it is decaying?

٢. وَما يَنفَعُ المَقبورَ عُمرانَ قَبرِهِ
إِذا كانَ فيهِ جِسمُهُ يَتَهَدَّمُ