1. For whom are these abandoned dwellings that I ask of?
Once inhabited, now vacant and still
١. لِمَن طَلَلٌ أُسائِلُهُ
مُعَطَّلَةٌ مَنازِلُهُ
2. When at dawn I saw it lamenting
Both its heights and its depths
٢. غَداةَ رَأَيتُهُ تَنعى
أَعاليهُ أَسافِلُهُ
3. I used to see it bustling with people
But its inhabitants have departed
٣. وَكُنتُ أَراهُ مَأهولاً
وَلَكِن بادَ آهِلُهُ
4. And everything in the path of fate
Meets adversaries and struggles
٤. وَكُلٌّ لِاعتِسافِ الدَه
رِ مُعرِضَةٌ مَقاتِلُهُ
5. And there is no path
Untouched by the tricks of fate
٥. وَما مِن مَسلَكٍ إِلّا
وَرَيبُ الدَهرِ شامِلُهُ
6. It defeats those who fight it
And exhausts those who resist it
٦. فَيَصرَعُ مَن يُصارِعُهُ
وَيَنضُلُ مَن يُناضِلُهُ
7. It opposes any who dare it
And sometimes toys with them
٧. يُنازِلُ مَن يَهُمُّ بِهِ
وَأَحياناً يُخاتِلُهُ
8. Other times, it delays them
And sometimes, hastens them
٨. وَأَحياناً يُؤَخِّرُهُ
وَتاراتٍ يُعاجِلُهُ
9. It is enough when it descends
Upon a people, to destroy them
٩. كَفاكَ بِهِ إِذا نَزَلَت
عَلى قَومٍ كَلاكِلُهُ
10. How many a mighty king
Surrounded by his armies
١٠. وَكَم قَد عَزَّ مِن مَلِكٍ
يَحُفُّ بِهِ قَنابِلُهُ
11. People fear his strength
And hope for his bounty
١١. يَخافُ الناسُ صَولَتَهُ
وَيُرجى مِنهُ نائِلُهُ
12. He preens and takes pride
In his character and qualities
١٢. وَيَثني عِطفَهُ مَرَحاً
وَتُعجِبُهُ شَمائِلُهُ
13. But when the truth descends on him
Falsehood turns from him
١٣. فَلَمّا أَن أَتاهُ الحَق
قُ وَلّى عَنهُ باطِلُهُ
14. He closes his eyes to death
And his joints grow limp
١٤. فَغَمَّضَ عَينَهُ لِلمَو
تِ وَاستَرخَت مَفاصِلُهُ
15. And fate continues to carry him
To one who will wash him
١٥. فَما لَبِثَ السِياقُ بِهِ
إِلى أَن جاءَ غاسِلُهُ
16. Who prepares him for a grave
Where many will betray him
١٦. فَجَهَّزَهُ إِلى جَدَثٍ
سَيَكثُرُ فيهِ خاذِلُهُ
17. And he will wake to find his abode
Narrow, while his women weep
١٧. وَيُصبِحُ شاحِطَ المَثوى
مُفَجَّعَةً ثَواكِلُهُ
18. With hair disheveled and garments torn
How many hopes have lingered on
١٨. مُخَمَّشَةً نَوادِبُهُ
مُسَلَّبَةً غَلائِلُهُ
19. Never to be attained by the hopeful!
I have seen the truth that cannot be obscured
١٩. وَكَم قَد طالَ مِن أَمَلٍ
فَلَم يُدرِكهُ آمِلُهُ
20. Nor can its consequences be obscured
Look to yourself, what provisions do you carry
٢٠. رَأَيتُ الحَقَّ لا يَخفى
وَلا تَخفى شَواكِلُهُ
21. To a solitary grave, where you will descend?
Dug narrow and short, with planks overhead
٢١. أَلا فَانظُر لِنَفسِكَ أَي
يَ زادٍ أَنتَ حامِلُهُ
22. In a place of difficult, distant visitation
O graves! In you are those we dwelt with
٢٢. لِمَنزِلِ وَحدَةٍ بَينَ ال
مَقابِرِ أَنتَ نازِلُهُ
23. And those we traded and dealt with
Those we accompanied and associated with
٢٣. قَصيرِ السَمكِ قَد رُصَّت
عَلَيكَ بِهِ جَنادِلُهُ
24. And those we kept intimate company
Those we contended and vied with
٢٤. بَعيدِ تَزاوُرِ الجيرا
نِ ضَيِّقَةٍ مَداخِلُهُ
25. And those we overlapped with
Those we drank with
٢٥. أَأَيَّتُها المَقابِرُ في
كِ مَن كُنّا نُنازِلُهُ
26. And those we shared food with
Those we walked with
٢٦. وَمَن كُنّا نُتاجِرُهُ
وَمَن كُنّا نُعامِلُهُ
27. And those we dwelt with
Those we honored
٢٧. وَمَن كُنّا نُعاشِرُهُ
وَمَن كُنّا نُداخِلُهُ
28. And those we flattered
Those we rarely parted from
٢٨. وَمَن كُنّا نُفاخِرُهُ
وَمَن كُنّا نُطاوِلُهُ
29. And those we kept strong ties with
Each has settled in a place, with their ropes cut off
٢٩. وَمَن كُنّا نُشارِبُهُ
وَمَن كُنّا نُؤاكِلُهُ
30. Lo! Death is inevitable, and all shall meet it
The late ones will perish, like the early ones before them
٣٠. وَمَن كُنّا نُرافِقُهُ
وَمَن كُنّا نُنازِلُهُ
31. By your life! The scholar and ignorant are not equal
So that all with deeds may know
٣١. وَمَن كُنّا نُكارِمُهُ
وَمَن كُنّا نُجامِلُهُ
32. That God will question them
The quickest to good words and deeds prevails.
٣٢. وَمَن كُنّا لَهُ إِلفاً
قَليلاً ما نُزايِلُهُ
٣٣. وَمَن كُنّا بِلا مَينٍ
أَحايِيناً نُواصِلُهُ
٣٤. فَحَلَّ مَحَلَّةً مَن حَلَّ
ها صُرِمَت حَبائِلُهُ
٣٥. أَلا إِنَّ المَنِيَّةَ مَن
هَلٌ وَالخَلقُ ناهِلُهُ
٣٦. أَواخِرُ مَن تَرى تَفنى
كَما فَنِيَت أَوائِلُهُ
٣٧. لَعَمرُكَ ما استَوى في الأَم
رِ عالِمُهُ وَجاهِلُهُ
٣٨. لِيَعلَم كُلُّ ذي عَمَلٍ
بِأَنَّ اللَهَ سائِلُهُ
٣٩. فَأَسرَعُ فائِزٍ بِالخَي
رِ قائِلُهُ وَفاعِلُهُ