1. People deceive each other
They have perfected deceit among themselves
١. الناسُ يَخدَعُ بَعضُهُم بَعضا
مَحَضوا التَخادُعَ بَينَهُم مَحضا
2. Rarely will you find someone
Of integrity who protects his honor
٢. فَلَقَلَّما تَلقى بِها أَحَداً
مُتَنَزِّهاً يَحمي لَهُ عِرضا
3. Wear the garb of all people with tolerance
Become earth for all the worlds
٣. اِلبَس جَميعَ الناسِ مُحتَمِلاً
لِلعالَمينَ وَكُن لَهُم أَرضا
4. If you get angry at every incident
That you are struck with, you will rarely be pleased
٤. فَلَئِن غَضِبتَ لِكُلِّ حادِثَةٍ
تُرمى بِها فَلَقَلَّما تَرضى