1. I am but for he who loves me
I see my friend as he sees me
١. ما أَنا إِلّا لِمَن بَغاني
أَرى خَليلي كَما يَراني
2. I see not what my eyes have possessed
Instead of one who sees not my place
٢. لَستُ أَرى ما مَلَكتُ طَرفي
مَكانَ مَن لا يَرى مَكاني
3. Who hopes for the far,
If the near misses his good?
٣. مَنِ الَّذي يَرتَجي الأَقاصي
إِن لَم يَنَل خَيرَهُ الأَداني
4. I have become rich with my Creator
In all my affairs
٤. أَصبَحتُ عَمَّن بِها غَنِيّاً
بِخالِقي في جَميعِ شاني
5. And I have sustenance until I die
Even if all creation strains against me
٥. وَلي إِلى أَن أَموتُ رِزقٌ
لَو جَهَدَ الخَلقُ ما عَداني
6. Do not hope for good from one who
Is only suitable for humiliation
٦. لا تَرتَجِ الخَيرَ عِندَ مَن لا
يَصلُحُ إِلّا عَلى الهَوانِ
7. So suffice yourself with God instead of so-and-so
And instead of so-and-so and instead of so-and-so
٧. فَاِستَغنِ بِاللَهِ عَن فُلانٍ
وَعَن فُلانٍ وَعَن فُلانِ
8. And do not leave lawful livelihood
Of which you are certain
٨. وَلا تَدَع مَكسَباً حَلالاً
تَكونُ مِنهُ عَلى بَيانِ
9. For wealth from its lawfulness is the pillar
Of honor, face, and tongue
٩. فَالمالُ مِن حِلِّهِ قِوامٌ
لِلعِرضِ وَالوَجهِ وَاللِسانِ
10. And poverty is humiliation upon which is a door
Whose key is incapacity and laziness
١٠. وَالفَقرُ ذُلٌّ عَلَيهِ بابٌ
مِفتاحُهُ العَجزُ وَالتَواني
11. And the sustenance of my Lord has facets
They are from God in safekeeping
١١. وَرِزقُ رَبّي لَهُ وُجوهٌ
هُنَّ مِنَ اللَهِ في ضَمانِ
12. Glory to Him who has always been Most High
He has no second in supremacy
١٢. سُبحانَ مَن لَم يَزَل عَلِيّا
لَيسَ لَهُ في العُلُوِّ ثانِ
13. He decreed death upon His creation
So every living one other than Him will perish
١٣. قَضى عَلى خَلقِهِ المَنايا
فَكُلُّ حَيٍّ سِواهُ فانِ
14. O Lord, why would we weep over a time
Except that we wept over time?
١٤. يا رَبِّ لَم نَبكِ مِن زَمانٍ
إِلّا بَكَينا عَلى زَمانِ