1. The most miserable day that passes me by
Is a day where I have no desire in me
١. إِنَّ أَسوا يَومٍ يَمُرُّ عَلَيّا
يَومُ لا رُغبَةٌ تَكونُ إِلَيّا
2. How the world does deceive, and how much a person finds
Something in it, yet is deprived of something
٢. كَم تَغُرُّ الدُنيا وَكَم يَجِدُ الإِن
سانُ فيها شَيئاً وَيُحرَمُ شَيّا
3. Events unfold at times, and fold at others
Events are just unfolding and folding
٣. تَنشُرُ الحادِثاتُ طَوراً وَتَطوي
إِنَّما الحادِثاتُ نَشراً وَطِيّا
4. And people's natures differ
Many a coarse character is easy to be with
٤. وَطِباعُ الإِنسانِ مُختَلِفاتٌ
رُبَّ وَعرِ الأَخلاقِ سَهلُ المُحَيّا
5. And it is wise that I appoint myself
Before my death as executor of what I own
٥. وَمِنَ الحَزمِ أَن أَكونَ لِنَفسي
قَبلَ مَوتي فيما مَلَكتُ وَصِيّا