
Blessed is He who boasts that I am His servant

تبارك من فخري بأني له عبد

1. Blessed is He who boasts that I am His servant
Glory be to Him, Glory be to Him, to Him belongs all praise

١. تَبارَكَ مَن فَخري بِأَنّي لَهُ عَبدُ
وَسُبحانَهُ سُبحانَهُ وَلَهُ الحَمدُ

2. There is no sovereign but His sovereignty, Mighty is His face
He is the First in His dominion and He is the Last

٢. وَلا مُلكَ إِلّا مُلكُهُ عَزَّ وَجهُهُ
هُوَ القَبلُ في سُلطانِهِ وَهُوَ البَعدُ

3. So my soul, fear Allah and strive for Him
For days have passed and the promise has drawn near

٣. فَيا نَفسُ خافي اللَهَ وَاجتَهِدي لَهُ
فَقَد فاتَتِ الأَيّامُ وَاقتَرَبَ الوَعدُ

4. The best of deaths is to be killed in His cause
And the best of livelihoods is modesty, forbearance and moderation

٤. فَخَيرَ المَماتِ قَتلَةٌ في سَبيلِهِ
وَخَيرُ المَعاشِ الخِفُّ وَالحِلُّ وَالقَصدُ

5. I busied myself with that over which I have no control
When there is no avoiding what we cannot evade

٥. تَشاغَلتُ عَمّا لَيسَ لي مِنهُ حيلَةٌ
وَلا بُدَّ مِمّا لَيسَ مِنهُ لَنا بُدُّ

6. I'm amazed at people joking foolishly among themselves
As if jesting among them is serious

٦. عَجِبتُ لِخَوضِ الناسِ في الهَزلِ بَينَهُم
صَراحاً كَأَنَّ الهَزلَ بَينَهُمُ جِدُّ

7. They forgot death and relaxed into frivolity and youth
As if death does not go and come

٧. نَسوا المَوتَ فَارتاحوا إِلى اللَهوِ وَالصِبا
كَأَنَّ المَنايا لا تَروحُ وَلا تَغدو