
My hair has turned grey, yet greed's head shows no sign of grey

قد شاب رأسي ورأس الحرص لم يشب

1. My hair has turned grey, yet greed's head shows no sign of grey
Surely the greedy for this world live wearied and dismayed

١. قَد شابَ رَأسي وَرَأسُ الحِرصِ لَم يَشِبِ
إِنَّ الحَريصَ عَلى الدُنيا لَفي تَعَبِ

2. Why is it I find when a station I strive to attain
And I do attain it, my soul yearns for yet higher grade

٢. ما لي أَراني إِذا حاوَلتُ مَنزِلَةً
فَنِلتُها طَمَحَت نَفسي إِلى رُتَبِ

3. If my knowledge and experience could avail
I'd not soothe my rage at this world, or curb my hounds bayed

٣. لَو كانَ يَنفَعُني عِلمي وَتَجرِبَتي
لَم أَشفِ غَيظي مِنَ الدُنيا وَلا كَلَبي