
Heal with gentleness the wounds of rupture,

داو بالرفق جراحات الخرق

1. Heal with gentleness the wounds of rupture,
And meet blame and praise with gratitude and acceptance.

١. داوِ بِالرِفقِ جِراحاتِ الخَرَق
وَابلِ قَبلَ الحَمدِ وَالذَمِّ وَذُق

2. Make people comfortable with good manners,
Nothing is too tight for one with good manners.

٢. وَسِعَ الناسَ بِخُلقٍ حَسَنٍ
لَم يَضِق شَيءٌ عَلى حُسنِ الخُلُق

3. Whoever's manners do not expand,
Kindness has departed from him and dissolved.

٣. كُلُّ مَن لَم تَتَّسِع أَخلاقُهُ
بَعُدَ الإِحسانُ مِنهُ وَسَحُق

4. How long, my brother, will we remain
Wandering in the lands of death in this horizon?

٤. كَم تَرانا يَأَخي نَبقى عَلى
جَوَلانِ المَوتِ في هَذا الأُفُق

5. We are messengers to the abode of annihilation,
Neck after neck we go.

٥. نَحنُ أَرسالٌ إِلى دارِ البَلى
نَتَوالى عُنُقاً بَعدَ عُنُق