
O soul, verily truth is my religion

يا نفس إن الحق ديني

1. O soul, verily truth is my religion
So humble yourself and find tranquility

١. يا نَفسُ إِنَّ الحَقَّ ديني
فَتَذَلَّلي ثُمَّ استَكيني

2. For how long will I remain heedless?
O soul, woe to you, tell me

٢. فَإِلى مَتى أَنا غافِلٌ
يا نَفسُ وَيحَكِ خَبِّريني

3. And for how long will I withhold
Stingily what my right hand possesses?

٣. وَإِلى مَتى أَنا مُمسِكٌ
بُخلاً بِما مَلَكَت يَميني

4. O soul, do not feel distressed
And trust in your Lord, and seek help from Him

٤. يا نَفسُ لا تَتَضايَقي
وَثِقي بِرَبِّكِ وَاستَعيني

5. O soul, you are miserly
And miserliness is from weakness of certainty

٥. يا نَفسُ أَنتِ شَحيحَةٌ
وَالشُحُّ مِن ضُعفِ اليَقينِ

6. O soul, repent from the wrongdoing
Of betraying the brother with a tender heart

٦. يا نَفسُ توبي مِن مُؤا
خاةِ الأَخِ البَطِرِ البَطينِ

7. And hold fast to the causes of
The distressed one with a grieving heart

٧. وَتَعَلَّقي بِمَعالِقِ ال
مَكروبِ ذي القَلبِ الحَزينِ

8. And think of death sometimes
Perhaps you may become gentle

٨. وَتَفَكَّري في المَوتِ أَح
ياناً لَعَلَّكِ أَن تَليني

9. So a swoon will cover me
For which my forehead glistens from its intoxication

٩. فَلَتَغشَيَنّي غَشيَةٌ
يَندى لِسَكرَتِها جَبيني

10. And the camel drivers will chant their song
Around me with echoes

١٠. وَلَتُعوِلَنَّ المُعوِلا
تُ هُناكَ حَولي بِالرَنينِ

11. And after my demise make me
Clay that joins the clay

١١. وَلَتَجعَلَنّي بَعدَ خَل
قي طينَةً لَحِقَت بِطينِ

12. And there will come upon me beneath the soil
A time after some time

١٢. وَلَيَأتِيَنَّ عَلَيَّ تَح
تَ التُربِ حينٌ بَعدَ حينِ