
O you who forget death though death forgets you not,

يا ناسي الموت ولم ينسه

1. O you who forget death though death forgets you not,
Death forgets you not, yet you do not remember it,

١. يا ناسِيَ المَوتِ وَلَم يَنسَهُ
لَم يَنسَكَ المَوتُ وَما تَذكُرُه

2. Man defers doing good deeds,
But time does not wait for him,

٢. يُسَوِّفُ المَرءُ بِتَقديمِهِ
لِلبِرِّ وَالأَيّامُ لا تَنظِرُه

3. He who does good for God's sake,
Ingratitude of the ungrateful does not keep him from doing it.

٣. مَن يَصنَعِ المَعروفَ لِلَّهِ لا
يَمنَعهُ كُفرانُ مَن يَكفُرُه