
The foes rejoice not at the isolation of Hashim's son

لا يهنأ الأعداء عزل ابن هاشم

1. The foes rejoice not at the isolation of Hashim's son
For every friend, his highness alternating brings dismissal or retention

١. لا يَهنَأِ الأَعداءَ عَزلُ ابنِ هاشِمٍ
فَكُلُّ مُوَلّى قَصرُهُ الصَرفُ وَالعَزلُ

2. Verily virtuous was Ma'mun in authority, restraining
The hand of tyranny, with justice and equity outstretched

٢. لَقَد كانَ مَيمونَ الوِلايَةِ قابِضاً
يَدَ الجَورِ مَبسوطاً بِهِ الحَقُّ وَالعَدلُ

3. There are men who would defame him though he excels
But Allah willed that he endure and supreme remain

٣. يَرومُ رِجالٌ حَطَّهُ وَهوَ سابِقٌ
أَبى اللَهُ إِلّا أَن يَطولَ وَأَن يَعلو