1. Alas, what a cup death is!
And you are bound to drink from that cup.
١. أَلا لِلمَوتِ كَأسٌ أَيُّ كاسِ
وَأَنتَ لِكَأسِهِ لا بُدَّ حاسِ
2. How long till we meet our end? It is soon.
You are reminded of the afterlife yet remain heedless.
٢. إِلى كَم وَالمَعادُ إِلى قَريبٍ
تُذَكِّرُ بِالمِعادِ وَأَنتَ ناسِ
3. How many lessons have you seen
Where even iron softens, yet you remain hard.
٣. وَكَم مِن عِبرَةٍ أَصبَحتَ فيها
يَلينُ لَها الحَديدُ وَأَنتَ قاسِ
4. With what power do you think you'll never fade,
When even mountains worn away over time?
٤. بِأَيِّ قُوىً تَظُنُّكَ لَيسَ تَبلى
وَقَد بَلِيَت عَلى الزَمَنِ الرَواسي
5. Not all assumptions prove true,
Nor is everything correct by logic.
٥. وَما كُلُّ الظُنونِ تَكونُ حَقّا
وَلا كُلُّ الصَوابِ عَلى القِياسِ
6. Each fantasy presented to an eye
Has two faces - of hope and despair.
٦. وَكُلُّ مَخيلَةٍ رُفِعَت لِعَينٍ
لَها وَجهانِ مِن طَمَعٍ وَياسِ
7. In good nature lies all comfort.
In evil nature lies all misery.
٧. وَفي حُسنِ السَريرَةِ كُلُّ أُنسٍ
وَفي خُبثِ السَريرَةِ كُلُّ باسِ
8. No secret envier and hater escapes
To save his head from their evils.
٨. وَلَم يَكُ مُضمِرٌ حَسَداً وَبَغياً
لِيَنجُوَ مِنهُما رَأساً بِراسِ
9. Nothing is more moral than to see
A little good in your brother.
٩. وَما شَيءٌ بِأَخلَقَ أَن تَراهُ
قَليلاً مِن أَخي ثِقَةٍ مُؤاسِ
10. You never escape from the cycles you see
Moving people from state to state.
١٠. وَما تَنفَكُّ مِن دُوَلٍ تَراها
تَنَقَّلُ مِن أُناسٍ في أُناسِ