
O seeker of wisdom from its people

يا طالب الحكمة من أهلها

1. O seeker of wisdom from its people
The light makes clear the color of its darkness

١. يا طالِبَ الحِكمَةِ مِن أَهلِها
النورُ يَجلو لَونَ ظَلمائِهِ

2. And the origin forever waters its branch
And the buds bear fruit from its water

٢. وَلأَصلُ يَسقي أَبَداً فَرعَهُ
وَتُثمِرُ الأَكمامُ مِن مائِهِ

3. Whoever envied people for their money
Bore worries with its burdens

٣. مَن حَسَدَ الناسَ عَلى مالِهِم
تَحَمَّلَ الهَمَّ بِأَعبائِهِ

4. And time is fickle with its children
Tempting them with its sweets

٤. وَالدَهرُ رَوّاغٌ بِأَبنائِهِ
يَغُرُّهُم مِنهُ بِحَلوائِهِ

5. It makes fathers catch up with their sons
And makes the son catch up with his fathers

٥. يُلحِقُ آباءً بِأَبنائِهِم
وَيُلحِقُ الإِبنَ بِآبائِهِ

6. And the deed is attributed to its people
As everything is called by its names

٦. وَالفِعلُ مَنسوبٌ إِلى أَهلِهِ
كَلشَيءِ تَدعوهُ بِأَسمائِهِ