1. What can stop the fate of a young man,
And death lies in wait for the young man.
١. ما لِلفَتى مانِعٌ مِنَ القَدَرِ
وَالمَوتُ حَولَ الفَتى وَبِالأَثَرِ
2. While the young man was happy and content,
Until time afflicted him with distress.
٢. بَينا الفَتى بِالصَفاءِ مُغتَبِطٌ
حَتّى رَماهُ الزَمانُ بِالكَدَرِ
3. How many lessons and thoughts
Does the young man have during the nights and their turns.
٣. كَم في اللَيالي وَفي تَقَلُّبِها
مِن عِبَرٌ لِلفَتى وَمِن فِكَرِ
4. Asking about something he doesn't recognize,
Every maturity comes to you in news.
٤. سائِل عَنِ الأَمرِ لَيسَ تَعرِفُهُ
فَكُلُّ رُشدٍ يَأتيكَ في الخَبَرِ
5. A man who feels safe from time,
And has witnessed its calamities, is deluded.
٥. إِنَّ اِمرَأً يَأمَنُ الزَمانَ وَقَد
عايَنَ شِدّاتِهِ لَفي غَرَرِ
6. Say what is right if you can,
And beware if you speak harmful words.
٦. ما أَمكَنَ القَولُ بِالصَوابِ فَقُل
وَاِحذَر إِذا قُلتَ مَوضِعَ الضَرَرِ
7. Good words are not pleasant to their listener
Unless he is a attentive as good fruit.
٧. ما طَيِّبُ القَولِ عِندَ سامِعِهِ ال
مُنصِتِ إِلّا كَطَيِّبِ الثَمَرِ
8. The glimmer in your temples
Warns you against what evil I see.
٨. لِلشَيبِ في عارِضَيكَ بارِقَةٌ
تَنهاكَ عَمّا أَرى مِنَ الأَشَرِ
9. Why have you, since you were a playful child
Dragging the tail of foolishness and frivolity,
٩. ما لَكَ مُذ كُنتَ لاعِباً مَرِحاً
تَسحَبُ ذَيلَ السَفاهِ وَالبَطَرِ
10. Played the games of an ignorant child
When time has clothed you in the garb of old age.
١٠. تَلعَبُ لَعبَ الصَغيرِ جَهلاً وَقَد
عَمَّمَكَ الدَهرُ عِمَّةَ الكِبَرِ
11. If you had feared and worried about death,
Your eyelids would have flowed with tears.
١١. لَو كُنتَ لِلمَوتِ خائِفاً وَجِلاً
أَقرَحتَ مِنكَ الجُفونُ بِالعِبَرِ
12. You would have lengthened your hopes, while you are
Of few days and brief.
١٢. طَوَّلتَ مِنكَ المُنى وَأَنتَ مِنَ ال
أَيّامِ في قِلَّةٍ وَفي قِصَرِ
13. By God, your eyes belie you
In what they have seen others do.
١٣. لِلَّهِ عَيناكَ تَكذِبانِكَ في
ما رَأَتا مِن تَصَرُّفِ الغَيرِ
14. How strange that I have stayed in a homeland
Whose people are all travelers.
١٤. يا عَجَباً لي أَقَمتُ في وَطَنٍ
ساكِنُهُ كُلُّهُم عَلى سَفَرٍ
15. I remembered the people of the graves, my intimate ones,
So my tears poured down like rain.
١٥. ذَكَرتُ أَهلَ القُبورِ مِن ثِقَتي
فَاِنهَلَّ دَمعي كَوابِلِ المَطَرِ
16. Say to the people of the graves, my dear ones,
I will not forget you as long as I live.
١٦. فَقُل لِأَهلِ القُبورِ يا ثِقَتي
لَستُ بِناسيكُمُ مَدى عُمُري
17. O dwellers in the belly of the graves! Do not
Reproach those who enter the graves rashly.
١٧. يا ساكِني باطِنَ القُبورِ أَما
لِلوارِدينَ القُبورَ مِن صَدَرِ
18. What did those who left their kingdom do -
The people of tombs, bones and stones?
١٨. ما فَعَلَ التارِكونَ مُلكَهُمُ
أَهلُ القِبابِ العِظامِ وَالحُجَرِ
19. Do they build palaces among you
Or do they have any glory and prestige?
١٩. هَل يَبتَنونَ القُصورَ بَينَكُم
أَم هَل لَهُم مِن عُلاً وَمِن خَطَرِ
20. What did their faces do when
The beauty of their features faded away?
٢٠. ما فَعَلَت مِنهُمُ الوُجوهُ أَقَد
بُدِّدَ عَنها مَحاسِنُ الصُوَرِ
21. God is my confidence in every event,
God is my pride and my boast.
٢١. اللَهُ في كُلِّ حادِثٍ ثِقَتي
وَاللَهُ عِزّي وَاللَهُ مُفتَخَري
22. With God I fear no one,
He suffices me as protector from mankind.
٢٢. لَستُ مَعَ اللَهِ خائِفاً أَحَداً
حَسبي بِهِ عاصِماً مِنَ البَشَرِ