
The night grew gray and the day, too, grew old,

الليل شيب والنهار كلاهما

1. The night grew gray and the day, too, grew old,
My head spins from their constant round and roll.

١. اللَيلُ شَيَّبَ وَالنَهارُ كِلاهُما
رَأسي بِكَثرَةِ ما تَدورُ رَحاهُما

2. They gnaw our flesh and blood and soul outright,
Though we watch helpless as they take their toll.

٢. يَتَناهَبانِ لُحومَنا وَدِماءَنا
وَنُفوسَنا جَهراً وَنَحنُ نَراهُما

3. Of death's two messengers, gray hair came first,
One followed close, the other was dispersed.

٣. الشَيبُ إِحدى الميتَتَينِ تَقَدَّمَت
إِحداهُما وَتَأَخَّرَت إِحداهُما

4. On whom the first descends in early years,
Receives the second messenger diverse.

٤. فَكَأَنَّ مَن نَزَلَت بِهِ أولاهُما
يَوماً فَقَد نَزَلَت بِهِ أُخراهُما