1. I'm excused for loving her so long
For she has a face that reveals my excuse
١. وَإِنّي لَمَعذورٌ عَلى طولِ حُبِّحا
لِأَنَّ لَها وَجهاً يَدُلُّ عَلى عُذري
2. When she appears, and the full moon is out
You see she outshines even the moon
٢. إِذا ما بَدَت وَالبَدرُ لَيلَةَ تِمِّهِ
رَأَيتَ لَها فَضلاً مُبيناً عَلى البَدرِ
3. She sways beneath her clothes as though she were
A sprig of basil amidst green leaves
٣. وَتَهتَزُّ مِن تَحتِ الثِيابِ كَأَنَّها
قَضيبٌ مِنَ الرَيحانِ في وَرَقٍ خُضرِ
4. God willed that I die young
For the sorceress with the beautiful eyes
٤. أَبى اللَهُ إِلّا أَن أَموتَ صَبابَةً
بِساحِرَةِ العَينَينِ طَيِّبَةِ النَشرِ
5. She smiles with lips so pure as though they were
Pearls hidden in an ocean shell
٥. وَتَبسِمُ عَن ثَغرٍ نَقِيٍّ كَأَنَّهُ
مِنَ اللُؤلُؤِ المَكنونِ في صَدَفِ البَحرِ
6. The toothstick tells me of their sweetness
And I'd know nothing of it sans the toothstick's news
٦. يُخَبِّرُني عَنهُ السِواكُ بِطيبِهِ
وَلَستُ بِهِ لَولا السِواكُ بِذي خُبرِ